Our Mission
Ensuring continued U.S. military dominance against current and future threats requires a vigorous and innovative Defense Research Enterprise. Managing this enterprise under budget and resource constraints, however, requires the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology to optimally balance effectiveness and efficiency while working to fulfill the national priorities defined by Departmental guidance. Defense Research Operations supports the ASD(R&E) mission by delivering comprehensive, cogent insight into and oversight of the activities and capabilities of the DoD laboratories, a significant facet of the broad array of governmental, academic, and industrial research and engineering efforts.
DoD-supported FFRDCs (Federally Funded Research and Development) are independent, not-for-profit, private-sector organizations that are established and funded to meet special long-term engineering, research, development, or other analytic needs that cannot be met as effectively by other private-sector or government resources.
DoD-supported UARCs (University Affiliated Research Centers) are non-profit research organizations affiliated with universities and have a set of core competencies – areas of domain expertise or specialization – that are tailored to the long-term needs of the Department.
DoD Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories
An STRL (Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories) is an organizational designation, historically through a National Defense Authorization Act or designated as such by the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, that conveys certain legislated flexibilities to a Military Service research laboratory or center.
Defense Laboratory Enterprise
Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: Aviation Training Research (Institutional Training) ARI (ATR(IT))
Location: Ft Rucker • State: AL
ARI’s Science and Technology (S&T) research mission is to create and provide innovative behavioral and social science solutions that enable the Army to provide ready forces and force capabilities. As part of ARI’s effort to maximize personnel readiness and combat effectiveness, there are three main areas of focus; ARI is working (1) to develop innovative measures and methods to improve/enhance the Soldier lifecycle and human capital management, (2) to conduct scientific assessments and provide behavioral and social science advice to human resource policies, (3) to develop fundamental theories and investigate new research areas in the behavioral and social sciences with high potential impact on Army issues.
Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center AMRDEC (Headquarters)
Location: Redstone Arsenal • State: AL
The U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center (AMRDEC), a subordinate laboratory to the Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM), is the Army's focal point for providing research, development, and engineering technology and services for aviation and missile platforms across the lifecycle. AMRDEC has a long history of providing unparalleled service to its aviation and missile customers, while always striving to provide the greatest service to its ultimate customer, the warfighter, by providing technology and weapon system solutions to ensure his/her victory on the battlefield.
Space and Missile Defense Command Technical Center SMDC TC
Location: Huntsville • State: AL
HOME (army.mil)
The SMDC/ARSTRAT is built upon a lengthy history of achievement in space and missile defense. Since 1957, when the Army created the first program office for ballistic missile defense, the command has dedicated itself to missile defense research, development and deployment. In December 1962, the command made history with the first successful intercept of an ICBM reentry vehicle with the Nike-Zeus. History was repeated in the 1980s with a new non-nuclear technology. The kinetic energy concept of “hitting a bullet with a bullet” was first proven in June 1984 with the intercept of an ICBM warhead in the Homing Overlay Experiment. In 1987, the Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided Experiment confirmed the concept against shorter-range tactical missiles. Nearly a decade later, the command demonstrated the missile defense applications of directed energy systems.
US Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory USAARL
Location: Fort Rucker • State: AL
The USAARL's mission is to preserve and enhance the health, safety, combat effectiveness, and survivability of the U.S. Army Aviator and the Soldier. Our vision comprises five major task areas: • Reduce health hazards and improve human performance in Army aviation platforms, tactical combat vehicles, and weapons systems. • Evaluate and mitigate health hazards of noise, acceleration, impact, visual demands, and stress and fatigue of systems operators. • Enhance aviation and combat life support equipment through improved design and performance requirements. • Assist in the development of entry and retention criteria for specialized high performance military occupations. • Evaluate medical devices for use aboard military medical evacuation aircraft. "Through research, the USAARL supports the U.S. Army Medical Departments mission to "conserve" the fighting strength."
Edgewood Chemical Biological Center
Location: Pine Bluff Arsenal, AR
The ECBC is the nation's principal research and development center for non-medical chemical and biological defense. ECBC develops technology in the areas of detection, protection, and decontamination and provides support over the entire life cycle - from basic research through technology development, engineering design, equipment evaluation, product support, sustainment, field operations and disposal.
Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center ARL West ARL West
Location: Playa Vista • State: CA
Army Research Laboratory – The Army's foundational research laboratory ARL West--established through ARL's Open Campus initiative--aims to support the Army by building stronger collaboration with West Coast innovators in industry and academia. Research at this new hub will draw on considerable expertise from the augmented reality and gaming community based in Los Angeles. Researchers at ARL West hope to use concepts that have been instrumental to simulation training for another purpose--advancing human interaction and decision making in theater. Most of the early collaboration at ARL West will support high-performance computing and computational data fusion--ultimately allowing ARL to effectively present data from the laboratory in a way that enhances the warfighter's tactical edge. ARL West will bring together experts with several distinct fields, with backgrounds in areas such as computational sciences, sensors, and human factors. Thus far, the Department of Defense has had limited engagement with the small technology start-ups and the venture capitalists on the West Coast. The relationships ARL West is establishing--with the University of Southern California's Institute for Creative Technologies, the University of California Santa Barbara, and Stanford University--provide opportunities to do business with a new set of innovators.
Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center AMRDEC/AFDD
Location: Moffett Field • State: CA
The U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center (AMRDEC), a subordinate laboratory to the Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM), is the Army's focal point for providing research, development, and engineering technology and services for aviation and missile platforms across the lifecycle. AMRDEC has a long history of providing unparalleled service to its aviation and missile customers, while always striving to provide the greatest service to its ultimate customer, the warfighter, by providing technology and weapon system solutions to ensure his/her victory on the battlefield.
Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center
AMRDEC (Headquarters)
Location: Redstone Arsenal, CO
The U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center (AMRDEC), a subordinate laboratory to the Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM), is the Army's focal point for providing research, development, and engineering technology and services for aviation and missile platforms across the lifecycle. AMRDEC has a long history of providing unparalleled service to its aviation and missile customers, while always striving to provide the greatest service to its ultimate customer, the warfighter, by providing technology and weapon system solutions to ensure his/her victory on the battlefield.
ARL: Simulation and Training Technology Center
Location: Orlando • State: FL
To enhance Warfighter readiness through research and development of applied simulation technologies for learning, training, testing and mission rehearsal.
Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: Technology-based Training
Location: Orlando • State: FL
ARI’s Science and Technology (S&T) research mission is to create and provide innovative behavioral and social science solutions that enable the Army to provide ready forces and force capabilities. As part of ARI’s effort to maximize personnel readiness and combat effectiveness, there are three main areas of focus; ARI is working (1) to develop innovative measures and methods to improve/enhance the Soldier lifecycle and human capital management, (2) to conduct scientific assessments and provide behavioral and social science advice to human resource policies, (3) to develop fundamental theories and investigate new research areas in the behavioral and social sciences with high potential impact on Army issues.
Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: Research Unit (Institutional Training)
Location: Ft Benning • State: GA
ARI's Science and Technology (S&T) research mission is to create and provide innovative behavioral and social science solutions that enable the Army to provide ready forces and force capabilities. As part of ARI's effort to maximize personnel readiness and combat effectiveness, there are three main areas of focus; ARI is working (1) to develop innovative measures and methods to improve/enhance the Soldier lifecycle and human capital management, (2) to conduct scientific assessments and provide behavioral and social science advice to human resource policies, (3) to develop fundamental theories and investigate new research areas in the behavioral and social sciences with high potential impact on Army issues.
Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center
Location: Rock Island • State: IL
Edgewood Chemical Biological Center
Location: Rock Island Arsenal • State: IL
ECBC develops technology in the areas of detection, protection, and decontamination and provides support over the entire life cycle - from basic research through technology development, engineering design, equipment evaluation, product support, sustainment, field operations and disposal.
ERDC: Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
Location: Champaign • State: IL
CERL works closely with its Army customers to develop quality products and services and to help customers implement new technologies. User groups and steering committees have been established to help identify existing problems, establish research priorities, and provide input into the development of products. Many CERL products developed under this teamwork approach are in daily use, both within the Department of Defense and the private/public sectors. An active technology transfer program ensures these products receive the widest dissemination among prospective users.
Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: The Leader Development Research Unit
Location: Ft Leavenworth • State: KS
ARI's Science and Technology (S&T) research mission is to create and provide innovative behavioral and social science solutions that enable the Army to provide ready forces and force capabilities. As part of ARI's effort to maximize personnel readiness and combat effectiveness, there are three main areas of focus; ARI is working (1) to develop innovative measures and methods to improve/enhance the Soldier lifecycle and human capital management, (2) to conduct scientific assessments and provide behavioral and social science advice to human resource policies, (3) to develop fundamental theories and investigate new research areas in the behavioral and social sciences with high potential impact on Army issues.
Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: Joint Readiness and Training Center
Location: Ft Polk • State: LA
ARI's Science and Technology (S&T) research mission is to create and provide innovative behavioral and social science solutions that enable the Army to provide ready forces and force capabilities. As part of ARI's effort to maximize personnel readiness and combat effectiveness, there are three main areas of focus; ARI is working (1) to develop innovative measures and methods to improve/enhance the Soldier lifecycle and human capital management, (2) to conduct scientific assessments and provide behavioral and social science advice to human resource policies, (3) to develop fundamental theories and investigate new research areas in the behavioral and social sciences with high potential impact on Army issues.
- Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center
- Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: APG Research Element (Organizational Performance Research)
- Army Research Laboratory
- Communications and Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center
- Edgewood Chemical Biological Center ECBC (Headquarters)
- Medical Research and Materiel Command
- US Army Center for Environmental Health Research
- US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense
- US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases
- Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center
Location: Aberdeen Proving Ground • State: MD
Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: APG Research Element (Organizational Performance Research) - ARI (OPR)
Location: Aberdeen Proving Ground • State: MD
ARI’s Science and Technology (S&T;) research mission is to create and provide innovative behavioral and social science solutions that enable the Army to provide ready forces and force capabilities. As part of ARI’s effort to maximize personnel readiness and combat effectiveness, there are three main areas of focus; ARI is working (1) to develop innovative measures and methods to improve/enhance the Soldier lifecycle and human capital management, (2) to conduct scientific assessments and provide behavioral and social science advice to human resource policies, (3) to develop fundamental theories and investigate new research areas in the behavioral and social sciences with high potential impact on Army issues.
Army Research Laboratory - ARL
The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) of the U.S. Army Research Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) is the Army's corporate, or central, laboratory. Its diverse assortment of unique facilities and dedicated workforce of government and private sector partners make up the largest source of world-class integrated research and analysis in the Army.
By combining its in-house technical expertise with those from academic and industry partners, ARL is able to maximize each dollar invested to provide the best technologies for our Soldiers. ARL's program consists of basic and applied research and survivability/lethality and human factors analysis. ARL also applies the extensive research and analysis tools developed in its direct mission program to support ongoing development and acquisition programs in the Army Research, Development, and Engineering Centers (RDECs), Program Executive Offices (PEOs)/Program Manager (PM) Offices, and Industry. ARL has consistently provided the enabling technologies in many of the Army's most important weapons systems.
Communications and Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center - CERDEC (Headquarters)
Location: Aberdeen Proving Ground • State: MD
The Communications-Electronics Research, Development, and Engineering Center develops and integrates C4ISR technologies that enable the warfighter to sense the battle space; deny and disrupt enemy efforts; and remain "connected" to achieve and sustain information superiority, strike with decisive lethality and survive. Their many government-unique and world-unique facilities support a broad range of technical areas that leverage expertise in the radio/digital/electronic realms of information technology and systems engineering including command and control, communications, computers, electronic warfare, and sensors. CERDEC is headquartered at Fort Monmouth, N.J. with facilities at nearby Fort Dix, N.J. and Fort Belvoir, VA.
Edgewood Chemical Biological Center - ECBC (Headquarters)
Location: Aberdeen Proving Ground • State: MD
The ECBC is the nation's principal research and development center for non-medical chemical and biological defense.
ECBC develops technology in the areas of detection, protection, and decontamination and provides support over the entire life cycle - from basic research through technology development, engineering design, equipment evaluation, product support, sustainment, field operations and disposal.
Medical Research and Materiel Command - MRMC
Location: Fort Detrick • State: MD
US Army Center for Environmental Health Research - USACEHR
Location: Fort Detrick • State: MD
The US Army Center for Environmental Health Research (USACEHR) protects the health of Soldiers from environmental and mission-related health threats through innovative science. USACEHR develops surveillance capabilities to detect, assess, and prevent health effects from adverse environmental, physiological, and psychological exposures.
US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense - USAMRICD
Location: Aberdeen Proving Ground • State: MD
The United States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD) the nation's leading science and technology laboratory in the area of medical chemical countermeasures research and development. With sophisticated laboratories located at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, USAMRICD manages a diversified portfolio of medical chemical warfare agent research projects for the Department of Defense and other Federal Agencies.
US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases - USAMRIID
Location: Fort Detrick • State: MD
USAMRIID, (Fort Detrick, Maryland) conducts basic and applied research on biological threats resulting in medical solutions to protect military service members.
USAMRIID, an organization of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, is the lead medical research laboratory for the U.S. Biological Defense Research Program. The Institute plays a key role as the only laboratory in the Department of Defense (DoD) equipped to safely study highly hazardous infectious agents requiring maximum containment at biosafety level (BSL)-4.
As the center of excellence for DoD medical biological defense research, USAMRIID's challenge is to maintain its world-class scientific and technology base while being responsive to its primary customer-the warfighter.
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research -WRAIR
Location: Silver Spring • State: MD
Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center
TARDEC (Headquarters)
Location: Warren • State: MI
TARDEC develops, integrates and sustains the right technology solutions for all manned and unmanned DOD ground systems and combat support systems to improve Current Force effectiveness and provide superior capabilities for the Future Force.
Army Research Laboratory: The Institute of Soldier Nanotechnologies at MIT - ARL (ISN)
Location: Cambridge • State: MA
The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) of the U.S. Army Research Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) is the Army's corporate, or central, laboratory. Its diverse assortment of unique facilities and dedicated workforce of government and private sector partners make up the largest source of world-class integrated research and analysis in the Army.
By combining its in-house technical expertise with those from academic and industry partners, ARL is able to maximize each dollar invested to provide the best technologies for our Soldiers. ARL's program consists of basic and applied research and survivability/lethality and human factors analysis. ARL also applies the extensive research and analysis tools developed in its direct mission program to support ongoing development and acquisition programs in the Army Research, Development, and Engineering Centers (RDECs), Program Executive Offices (PEOs)/Program Manager (PM) Offices, and Industry. ARL has consistently provided the enabling technologies in many of the Army's most important weapons systems.
Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center - NSRDEC
Location: Natick • State: MA
Natick Mission: One Team advancing innovative technology for Today and Tomorrow.
Develop new technology.
Invest in the continuous development and provide quality of life for our workforce.
Advance, assess and apply emerging technology.
Create a collaborative environment between government, academia and industry on behalf of the Soldier.
Army Research Laboratory: Northeast - ARL-NE
Location: Boston • State: MA
ARL-NE is a new outpost designed to leverage academic and private-sector resources to advance the service's science and technology priorities. Headquartered in Boston, this location enables Army scientists to work alongside their counterparts from academia and industry in a bid to narrow the gap between basic and applied research and the provision of capabilities for soldiers. The new organization is part of ARL's Open Campus Initiative, and joins existing sites in Austin, Chicago and Los Angeles. ARL-NE's technical focuses include materials & manufacturing sciences, artificial intelligence & intelligent systems, and cyber & secured comms at the tactical edge.
US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine - USARIEM
Location: Natick • State: MA
USARIEM is an internationally recognized center of excellence for Warfighter performance science and its useful applications. The institute functions as a world-class laboratory for environmental medicine, physiology, performance and nutrition research. It features integrated cellular, tissue, & human research programs.
Engineer Research and Development Center - ERDC: Headquarters
Location: Vicksburg • State: MS
The Mission of the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) is to provide science, technology, and expertise in engineering and environmental sciences in support of our Armed Forces and the Nation to make the world safer and better.
ERDC: Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory - ERDC(CHL)
Location: Vicksburg • State: MS
The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center's Coastal & Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) performs ocean, estuarine, riverine, and watershed regional scale systems analyses research support work for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the DoD Task Force in support of the Ocean Commission.
A CHL multi-disciplinary team of scientists, engineers and support personnel work in internationally known, unique facilities. This highly educated team has established experimental and computational expertise for solving water resource problems worldwide.
CHL research and development addresses water resource challenges in groundwater, watersheds, rivers, reservoirs, lakes, estuaries, harbors, coastal inlets and wetlands. Physical facilities of approximately 1.7 million square feet are the basic infrastructure for producing cutting-edge products for successful coastal and inland water resources management.
ERDC: Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory - ERDC(GSL)
Location: Vicksburg • State: MS
The Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL) is a Department of Defense (DoD) research and engineering organization that serves the U.S. Army and the Nation by developing solutions to challenges in geotechnical and structural engineering and related disciplines. Its mission focuses on military engineering to develop innovative technologies for survivability and protective structures, airfields/pavements, and sustained maneuverability, and on civil works engineering to support water-resource infrastructure and geosciences.
ERDC: Information Technology Laboratory - ERDC(ITL)
Location: Vicksburg • State: MS
ITL conducts research, development, and studies and provides technical assistance and operational support in IT and closely related fields, with particular emphasis on the areas of computer-aided interdisciplinary engineering, computer-aided design and drafting (CADD), geographic information systems (GIS) computational science, high-performance computing, general-purpose computing, and sensor and instrumentation systems. In addition, ITL manages enterprise networking operations, a global computer emergency response team, enterprise e-mail services, and classified computing resources. These activities are conducted to support and enable execution of missions of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Army, and the Department of Defense (DoD). ITL also manages ERDC's Information Resource Management (IRM) Program, including planning, budgeting, acquisition, configuration management, and operations associated with the infostructure, to include the computing systems; voice, video, and data communications; information assurance; visual information, publishing, library, and records and data management systems and services required to support USACE and ERDC within the network-centric Army.
New Hampshire Expand ERDC: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab
Location: Hanover • State: NH
Our mission is to solve interdisciplinary, strategically important problems of the US Army Corps of Engineers, Army, DOD, and the Nation by advancing and applying science and engineering to complex environments, materials, and processes in all seasons and climates, with unique core competencies related to the Earth's cold regions. New Jersey Expand Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center army.pngarmy_ardec.jpg ARDEC (Headquarters)Location: Picatinny Arsenal • State: NJ http://www.ardec.army.mil/ Picatinny's mission is to support Army transformation goals. In an effort to streamline the acquisition process and deliver the armaments that soldiers need exactly when they need them - and at an affordable price - Picatinny has established increasingly close partnerships with universities and industry partners, involving them in collaborative efforts early in the research and development process.
Communications and Electronics Research\, Development and Engineering Center
CERDEC (Headquarters)
Location: Aberdeen Proving Ground • State: NJ
The Communications-Electronics Research, Development, and Engineering Center develops and integrates C4ISR technologies that enable the warfighter to sense the battle space; deny and disrupt enemy efforts; and remain "connected" to achieve and sustain information superiority, strike with decisive lethality and survive.
Their many government-unique and world-unique facilities support a broad range of technical areas that leverage expertise in the radio/digital/electronic realms of information technology and systems engineering including command and control, communications, computers, electronic warfare, and sensors. CERDEC is headquartered at Fort Monmouth, N.J. with facilities at nearby Fort Dix, N.J. and Fort Belvoir, VA
ARL: White Sands Missile Range ARL (WSMR)
Location: White Sands • State: NM
White Sands Missile Range provides Army, Navy, Air Force, DoD, and other customers with high quality services for experimentation, test, research, assessment, development, and training in support of the Nation at war.
Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center
Location: Watervliet Arsenal, NY
Benet Laboratories performs technology, design, development, engineering and production & field support for large caliber armament systems, to include: cannon, mortars and recoilless rifles; tank gun mounts and recoil mechanisms and munitions handling systems.
Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: Special Forces - ARI (SF)
Location: Ft Bragg • State: NC
ARI’s Science and Technology (S&T) research mission is to create and provide innovative behavioral and social science solutions that enable the Army to provide ready forces and force capabilities. As part of ARI’s effort to maximize personnel readiness and combat effectiveness, there are three main areas of focus; ARI is working (1) to develop innovative measures and methods to improve/enhance the Soldier lifecycle and human capital management, (2) to conduct scientific assessments and provide behavioral and social science advice to human resource policies, (3) to develop fundamental theories and investigate new research areas in the behavioral and social sciences with high potential impact on Army issues.
Army Research Laboratory: Army Research Office - ARL (ARO)
Location: Triangle Park • State: NC
The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) of the U.S. Army Research Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) is the Army's corporate, or central, laboratory. Its diverse assortment of unique facilities and dedicated workforce of government and private sector partners make up the largest source of world-class integrated research and analysis in the Army.
By combining its in-house technical expertise with those from academic and industry partners, ARL is able to maximize each dollar invested to provide the best technologies for our Soldiers. ARL's program consists of basic and applied research and survivability/lethality and human factors analysis. ARL also applies the extensive research and analysis tools developed in its direct mission program to support ongoing development and acquisition programs in the Army Research, Development, and Engineering Centers (RDECs), Program Executive Offices (PEOs)/Program Manager (PM) Offices, and Industry. ARL has consistently provided the enabling technologies in many of the Army's most important weapons systems.
Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center - Petroleum Laboratory
Location: New Cumberland • State: PA
TARDEC develops, integrates and sustains the right technology solutions for all manned and unmanned DOD ground systems and combat support systems to improve Current Force effectiveness and provide superior capabilities for the Future Force.
Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: Institutional Training
Location: Ft Jackson • State: SC
ARI's Science and Technology (S&T) research mission is to create and provide innovative behavioral and social science solutions that enable the Army to provide ready forces and force capabilities. As part of ARI's effort to maximize personnel readiness and combat effectiveness, there are three main areas of focus; ARI is working (1) to develop innovative measures and methods to improve/enhance the Soldier lifecycle and human capital management, (2) to conduct scientific assessments and provide behavioral and social science advice to human resource policies, (3) to develop fundamental theories and investigate new research areas in the behavioral and social sciences with high potential impact on Army issues.
Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences - ARI (Headquarters)
Army Research Laboratory: Vehicle Technology Directorate - ARL (VTD)
Location: Hampton • State: VA
The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) of the U.S. Army Research Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) is the Army's corporate, or central, laboratory. Its diverse assortment of unique facilities and dedicated workforce of government and private sector partners make up the largest source of world-class integrated research and analysis in the Army.
By combining its in-house technical expertise with those from academic and industry partners, ARL is able to maximize each dollar invested to provide the best technologies for our Soldiers. ARL's program consists of basic and applied research and survivability/lethality and human factors analysis. ARL also applies the extensive research and analysis tools developed in its direct mission program to support ongoing development and acquisition programs in the Army Research, Development, and Engineering Centers (RDECs), Program Executive Offices (PEOs)/Program Manager (PM) Offices, and Industry. ARL has consistently provided the enabling technologies in many of the Army's most important weapons systems.
Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center - AMRDEC/JRPO
Location: Hampton • State: VA
The U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center (AMRDEC), a subordinate laboratory to the Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM), is the Army's focal point for providing research, development, and engineering technology and services for aviation and missile platforms across the lifecycle. AMRDEC has a long history of providing unparalleled service to its aviation and missile customers, while always striving to provide the greatest service to its ultimate customer, the warfighter, by providing technology and weapon system solutions to ensure his/her victory on the battlefield.
Communications and Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center - CERDEC
Location: Fort Belvoir • State: VA
CERDEC’s Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate researches and develops sensor and sensor suite technologies for air and ground intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and target acquisition under adverse battlefield conditions in day and night-time environments.
ERDC: Geospatial Research Laboratory - ERDC(GRL)
Location: Alexandria • State: VA
GRL provides the warfighter and Nation with superior knowledge of the battlefield through innovative basic and applied research in geospatial and related sciences. GRL research areas and capabilities include terrain analysis and reasoning; passive and active spectral signature analysis; fluorescence; photogrammetry; terrain visualization; precision surveying and mapping; image analysis; data management; geographic information systems; data/image fusion; and spatio-temporal reasoning and numerical analysis.
Army Research Laboratory South - ARL South
Location: Austin • State: TX
ARL's latest facility, ARL South, will leverage regional expertise and research facilities throughout the south-central region of the United States--ultimately accelerating discovery, innovation and transition of science and technology in support of the Department of Defense's Third Offset Strategy. ARL South benefits from ARL's new partnership with the University of Texas at Austin, as well as from partnerships with other regional universities. The initial focus area of ARL South will be materials and manufacturing, including additive manufacturing, biosciences, energy and power. Research in cyber sciences and intelligent systems will also be included. The establishment of ARL South will provide new perspectives on the challenges the Army faces today, generate new industry collaboration, and lay the groundwork for new S&T discoveries.
Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences - ARI (OUT)
Location: Ft Hood • State: TX
ARI’s Science and Technology (S&T) research mission is to create and provide innovative behavioral and social science solutions that enable the Army to provide ready forces and force capabilities. As part of ARI’s effort to maximize personnel readiness and combat effectiveness, there are three main areas of focus; ARI is working (1) to develop innovative measures and methods to improve/enhance the Soldier lifecycle and human capital management, (2) to conduct scientific assessments and provide behavioral and social science advice to human resource policies, (3) to develop fundamental theories and investigate new research areas in the behavioral and social sciences with high potential impact on Army issues.
Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center - The Southwest Research Institute - TARDEC (SwRI)
AFRL: Space Vehicles Directorate
Location: Gakona, AR
With headquarters at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., the Space Vehicles Directorate serves as the Air Force's "Center of Excellence" for space research and development. The Directorate develops and transitions space technologies for more effective, more affordable warfighter missions. Primary mission thrusts include Space-Based Surveillance (space to space and space to ground) and Space Capability Protection (protecting space assets from man-made and natural effects). The directorate also leverages commercial, civil and other government resources that ensure America's defense advantage. Primary focus areas include: radiation-hardened electronics, space power, space structures and control, space-based sensing, space environmental effects, autonomous maneuvering and balloon and satellite flight experiments. The directorate also operates an additional research site near Gakona, Alaska. Leading the nation in space supremacy research and development, the Space Vehicles Directorate consists of an integrated team of 900-plus military, civilian, and on-site contractors.
AFRL\: Aerospace Systems Directorate
Location: Edwards AFB• State: CA
With headquarters at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, and an additional research facility at Edwards AFB, Calif., the Aerospace Systems Directorate leads the effort to develop and transition superior technology solutions that enable dominant military aerospace vehicles. Areas of focus include vehicle aerodynamics, flight controls, aerospace propulsion, power, rocket propulsion, aerospace structures, and turbine engines. Programs advance a wide variety of aerospace technologies including unmanned vehicles, space access, advanced fuels, hypersonic vehicles, future strike, and energy management.
AFRL: Munitions Directorate
Location: Eglin AFB • State: FL
With headquarters at Eglin AFB, Fla., the Munitions Directorate develops, demonstrates and transitions science and technology for air-launched munitions for defeating ground fixed, mobile/relocatable, air and space targets to assure pre-eminence of U.S. air and space forces. The directorate conducts basic research, exploratory development, and advanced development and demonstrations. It also participates in programs focused on technology transfer, dual-use technology and small business development. The directorate is dedicated to providing the Air Force with a strong revolutionary and evolutionary technology base upon which future air-delivered munitions can be developed to neutralize potential threats to the United States.
AFRL: Directed Energy Directorate
Location: Kihei • State: HI
With headquarters at Kirtland AFB, N.M., the Directed Energy Directorate is the Air Force's center of expertise for directed energy and optical technologies. The Directed Energy Directorate focuses in four core technical competencies: Lasers Systems, High Power Electromagnetics, Weapons Modeling and Simulation, and Directed Energy and Electro-Optics for Space Superiority.
AFRL: Directed Energy Directorate - AFRL (RD)
Location: Kirtland AFB • State: NM
With headquarters at Kirtland AFB, N.M., the Directed Energy Directorate is the Air Force's center of expertise for directed energy and optical technologies. The Directed Energy Directorate focuses in four core technical competencies: Lasers Systems, High Power Electromagnetics, Weapons Modeling and Simulation, and Directed Energy and Electro-Optics for Space Superiority.
AFRL pioneered the first and only megawatt class airborne laser and is a leader in ground-based space imagining using adaptive optics with our 3.5 meter telescope in New Mexico and a 3.6 meter telescope in Hawaii. The lab is transitioning game-changing counter-electronics weapon technologies that can degrade damage or destroy electronic systems with minimum collateral damage.
AFRL: Space Vehicles Directorate - AFRL (RV)
Location: Kirtland AFB • State: NM
With headquarters at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., the Space Vehicles Directorate serves as the Air Force's "Center of Excellence" for space research and development. The Directorate develops and transitions space technologies for more effective, more affordable warfighter missions. Primary mission thrusts include Space-Based Surveillance (space to space and space to ground) and Space Capability Protection (protecting space assets from man-made and natural effects). The directorate also leverages commercial, civil and other government resources that ensure America's defense advantage. Primary focus areas include: radiation-hardened electronics, space power, space structures and control, space-based sensing, space environmental effects, autonomous maneuvering and balloon and satellite flight experiments. The directorate also operates an additional research site near Gakona, Alaska. Leading the nation in space supremacy research and development, the Space Vehicles Directorate consists of an integrated team of 900-plus military, civilian, and on-site contractors.
AFRL: Information Directorate AFRL (RI)
Location: Rome • State: NY
With headquarters at Rome, N.Y., the Information Directorate develops information technologies for aerospace command and control, and its transition to air, space and ground systems. Its focus areas include a broad spectrum of technologies including information fusion and exploitation, communications and networking, collaborative environments, modeling and simulation, defensive information warfare and intelligent information systems technologies. Directorate scientists and engineers develop systems, concepts and technologies to enhance the Air Force's capability to successfully meet the challenges of the information age. In addition to its primary mission, the directorate has partnered with other elements of the federal government, national intelligence agencies, numerous allied nations, state and local governments, and more than 50 major universities to work problems of common interest.
AFRL: 711th Human Performance Wing - AFRL (711 HPW)
Location: Wright-Patterson AFB • State: OH
With headquarters at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, the 711th Human Performance Wing (711 HPW), is the first human-centric warfare wing to consolidate research, education and consultation under a single organization. Established in March 2008 under the Air Force Research Laboratory, the 711 HPW is comprised of the Human Effectiveness Directorate (RH), the United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine (USAFSAM) and the Human Performance Integration Directorate (HP). The Wing's primary mission areas are aerospace medicine, science and technology, and human systems integration.
AFRL: Aerospace Systems Directorate - AFRL (RQ)
Location: Wright-Patterson AFB • State: OH
With headquarters at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, and an additional research facility at Edwards AFB, Calif., the Aerospace Systems Directorate leads the effort to develop and transition superior technology solutions that enable dominant military aerospace vehicles. Areas of focus include vehicle aerodynamics, flight controls, aerospace propulsion, power, rocket propulsion, aerospace structures, and turbine engines. Programs advance a wide variety of aerospace technologies including unmanned vehicles, space access, advanced fuels, hypersonic vehicles, future strike, and energy management.
AFRL: Materials and Manufacturing Directorate - AFRL (RX)
Location: Wright-Patterson AFB • State: OH
With headquarters at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, and an additional research facility at Tyndall AFB, Fla., the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate develops new materials, processes and manufacturing technologies for use in aerospace applications. This includes aircraft, spacecraft, missiles, rockets and ground-based systems and their structural, electronic and optical components. With a host of modern materials and analysis laboratories, the directorate also provides quick reaction support and real time solutions to Air Force weapon system acquisition offices, field organizations and maintenance depots to solve materials related concerns and problems. The directorate plans, executes and integrates advanced manufacturing technology programs and affordability initiatives addressing manufacturing process technologies, computer integrated manufacturing and excellence through design for military needs. The directorate is also responsible for the Air Force technology programs that address environmental issues and provides materials expertise for airbase assets such as runways and infrastructures and technologies for aerospace expeditionary forces.
AFRL: Sensors Directorate - AFRL (RY)
Location: Wright-Patterson AFB • State: OH
With headquarters at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, the Sensors Directorate leads the discovery, development, and integration of affordable sensor and countermeasure technologies for our warfighters. In collaboration with other AFRL directorates and DOD organizations, the directorate develops sensors for air and space reconnaissance, surveillance, precision engagement and electronic warfare systems. The directorate's vision is to provide robust sensors and adaptive countermeasures that guarantee complete freedom of air, space, and cyber operations for our forces, and deny these capabilities to our adversaries. Its core technology areas include: radio frequency and electro-optical sensing, sensor fusion and exploitation, network enabled spectrum warfare, and revolutionary devices and components.
Air Force Research Laboratory - AFRL: Headquarters
Location: Wright-Patterson AFB • State: OH
Air Force Research Laboratory, with headquarters at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, was created in October 1997. The laboratory was formed through the consolidation of four former Air Force laboratories and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
AFRL's mission is leading the discovery, development, and integration of warfighting technologies for our air, space and cyberspace forces.
AFRL accomplishes its mission through eight component Technology Directorates, the 711 Human Performance Wing, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and a central staff. Headquarters AFRL operates the Major Shared Resource Center at Wright-Patterson AFB, one of four high-performance computing centers in the Department of Defense. The center is tackling large-scale problems previously beyond the reach of processing platforms and providing a vast array of services in a collaborative environment which includes government, industry and academia.
AFRL: Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Location: Arlington • State: VA
With a worldwide exchange program for scientists and engineers, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research is the basic research manager for AFRL at its headquarters in Arlington, Va. AFOSR invests in long-term, broad-based research into aerospace-related science and engineering. To accomplish this mission, AFOSR has formed a strong, productive alliance with other government agencies, U.S. industry and the academic community. Nearly 80 percent of the research is conducted in academia and industry and the remaining 20 percent is conducted within AFRL. AFOSR's investment in basic research programs is distributed to about 300 academic institutions, 145 contracts with industry and more than 150 internal AFRL research efforts.
Defense Microelectronics Activity DMEA
Location: McCellan • State: CA
The Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) is the organization within the Department of Defense with the unique mission to provide microelectronic components and assemblies for the Department's legacy systems. DMEA is composed of highly specialized engineering facilities and microelectronic engineers that work in close partnership with the major defense contractors and the semiconductor industry to provide support for fielded systems across all U.S. military organizations. DMEA's unique resources and transformational business model make it a one-of-a-kind organization. Because of DMEA's distinctive capabilities, its mission was extended to support the full spectrum of the U.S. Government agencies and allied nations.
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
Location: Bethesda • State: MD
The unique resources of the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute enable advancements in the protection of soldiers and citizens. The AFRRI mission is to preserve the health and performance of U.S. military personnel and to protect humankind through research that advances understanding of the effects of ionizing radiation. To these ends, the institute collaborates with other government facilities, academic institutions, and civilian laboratories in the United States and other countries to research the biological effects of ionizing radiation. In addition, it provides medical training and emergency response to manage incidents related to radiation exposure.
Naval Undersea Warfare Center: Newport Division: South TOTO Acoustic Measurement Facility
Location: Andros Island, Bahamas
NUWC Division Newport provides the technical foundation that enables the conceptualization, research, development, fielding, modernization, and maintenance of systems that ensure our Navy's undersea superiority.
- Naval Air Warfare Center: Weapons Division China Lake
- Naval Air Warfare Center: Weapons Division Point Mugu
- Naval Health Research Center
- Naval Surface Warfare Center: Corona Division
- Naval Research Laboratory
- Naval Surface Warfare Center: Port Hueneme Division
- Naval Undersea Warfare Center: Keyport Division
- Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Systems Center Pacific
Naval Air Warfare Center: Weapons Division China Lake - NAWC WD: China Lake
Location: China Lake • State: CA
The Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division (NAWCWD) is an organization within the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), dedicated to maintaining a center of excellence in weapons development for the Department of the Navy (DoN). NAWCWD has two locations in sunny Southern California; China Lake hosting the land test range and Point Mugu hosting the sea test range.
While service to the Fleet underlies every program at NAWCWD, direct support is our most important activity. NAWCWD Fleet Weapons Support Teams are with naval forces throughout the world providing hands-on assistance. Division senior scientists and engineers serve in 1- to 3-year assignments as on-site Science and Technology Advisors stateside, at sea, and abroad. New operational flight programs and weapons capabilities are taken directly to Fleet squadrons by NAWCWD teams who train aircrews and maintenance personnel aboard ship.
Naval Air Warfare Center: Weapons Division Point Mugu - NAWC WD: Point Mugu
Location: Point Mugu • State: CA
The Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division (NAWCWD) is an organization within the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), dedicated to maintaining a center of excellence in weapons development for the Department of the Navy (DoN). NAWCWD has two locations in sunny Southern California; China Lake hosting the land test range and Point Mugu hosting the sea test range.
While service to the Fleet underlies every program at NAWCWD, direct support is our most important activity. NAWCWD Fleet Weapons Support Teams are with naval forces throughout the world providing hands-on assistance. Division senior scientists and engineers serve in 1- to 3-year assignments as on-site Science and Technology Advisors stateside, at sea, and abroad. New operational flight programs and weapons capabilities are taken directly to Fleet squadrons by NAWCWD teams who train aircrews and maintenance personnel aboard ship.
Naval Health Research Center - NHRC
Location: San Diego • State: CA
Naval Health Research Center (NHRC) serves as a leading research and development laboratory for the Department of Defense (DoD). NHRC manages and executes expeditionary operational medical research, development and test and evaluation programs for the Naval Medical Research Command, Silver Spring, MD, Navy Medicine Support Command, Jacksonville, FL and the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED). Some of our research includes:
- Warfighter Performance
- Environmental Stress Studies
- Physical Stress, Load and Impact
- Physical Fitness and Weight Standards
- Cognitive Neuroscience of Stress & Performance
- Behavioral Sciences & Epidemiology
- Behavioral Trends That Impact Readiness
- Focused Intervention Strategies
- Behavioral Needs Assessment Survey
- PTSD/TBI Studies
- Career-Span Health & Wellness Studies
- Deployment Health Research
- Millennium Cohort Study
- Birth and Infant Health Registry
- Recruit Assessment Program
- Post-Vaccination Epidemiological Studies
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Corona Division- NSWC: Corona
Location: Norco • State: CA
The Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division (NSWC PCD) had its origin in the mine countermeasures research conducted during World War II at the U.S. Naval Mine Warfare Test Station, Solomons, Maryland. In 1945, equipment, facilities, and personnel were transferred from Solomons to Panama City, Florida, to occupy a 373-acre tract, in caretaker status. This same tract was used as a Naval Section Base in 1942, the U.S. Naval Amphibious Training Base in 1944, and was inactivated in June 1945. It was established as the U.S. Navy Mine Countermeasures Station July 20, 1945.
Naval Research Laboratory -NRL: Monterey
Location: Monterey • State: CA
The Naval Research Laboratory's Marine Meteorology Division in Monterrey, California (NRL-MRY) helps to develop and upgrade numerical atmospheric forecast systems and related products. Over time, NRL-MRY's mission has also broadened to include basic research. The Division's Collocation with the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) allows NRL-MRY access to one of the Navy's largest vector supercomputer mainframe and workstation resources. This access provides real time as well as archived global atmospheric and oceanographic databases for research on-site and at other NRL locations.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Port Hueneme Division - NSWC: Port Hueneme
Location: Port Hueneme • State: CA
NSWC Pt. Hueneme provides fleet support in the form of systems engineering, logistics, test and evaluation, software engineering, and acquisition.
Their job is to effectively design, develop, test, and certify the performance and safety of combat and weapon systems installed on Navy ships. Whether a system is involved in anti-air warfare, land attack/strike warfare, anti-surface warfare, littoral warfare, or theater ballistic missile defense warfare, it must provide the Sailor with key elements: the ability to work, and the ability to work safely.
NSWC Pt. Hueneme also has the responsibility to effectively train Sailors and support warfare systems with adequate spares and accurate technical documentation. The Sailor's ability to effectively operate and maintain equipment and systems in an optimum state of readiness is a direct result of engineered reliability, training and support.
Naval Undersea Warfare Center: Keyport Division - NUWC: Keyport: San Diego Detachment
Location: San Diego • State: CA
NUWC Division, Keyport, one of two divisions of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), provides advanced technical capabilities for test and evaluation, in-service engineering, maintenance and industrial base support, fleet material readiness, and obsolescence management for undersea warfare. Some of the support services we provide include in-service engineering, test and evaluation, custom engineered solutions, and cutting-edge technologies that sustain and maintain our nation's Undersea Warfare Systems.
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Systems Center Pacific - SSC-P
Location: San Diego • State: CA
C4ISR is our mission. C4ISR provides information dominance to meet a wide variety of Navy, Marine Corps, and Joint requirements. It is the link that integrates forces, platforms, and functions into coordinated operational capabilities. With the Navy's C4ISR RDT&E; mission assignment, SSC Pacific is uniquely positioned in this important area. By providing C4ISR solutions to the Navy and Marine Corps, SSC Pacific has demonstrated domain knowledge expertise and experience in marine surface, subsurface, air and land-based warfare. This gives SSC Pacific a unique competitive advantage over other laboratories in Joint service developments, an advantage reflected by our active participation in many Joint service programs.
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Systems Center Pacific
Naval Air Warfare Center: Training Systems Division - NAWC TSD
Location: Orlando • State: FL
The Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) is the Navy's source for a full range of innovative products and services that provide complete training solutions. This includes requirements analysis, design, development and full life cycle support. Of significance is NAWCTSD's ability to provide continuous learning across a wide variety of applications (aviation, surface, undersea, cross-warfare). NAWCTSD integrates the science of learning with performance-based training and measurement of training effectiveness focused on improving the performance of Sailors and Marines. NAWCTSD continually engages the warfighter to understand challenges, solve problems, create new capabilities and provide essential support.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Carderock Division: South Florida Ocean Measurement Facility - NSWC: Carderock: SFOMF
Location: Fort Lauderdale • State: FL
The Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division’s South Florida Ocean Measurement Facility (SFOMF) is located on the south side of Port Everglades inlet in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This site has housed an active, continuously operating Navy range for more than 50 years. SFOMF is a member of the Naval Sea Systems Command team and falls under the cognizance of the Naval Surface Warfare Center.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Panama City Division - NSWC: Panama City
Location: Panama City • State: FL
The Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division (NSWC PCD) had its origin in the mine countermeasures research conducted during World War II at the U.S. Naval Mine Warfare Test Station, Solomons, Maryland. In 1945, equipment, facilities, and personnel were transferred from Solomons to Panama City, Florida, to occupy a 373-acre tract, in caretaker status. This same tract was used as a Naval Section Base in 1942, the U.S. Naval Amphibious Training Base in 1944, and was inactivated in June 1945. It was established as the U.S. Navy Mine Countermeasures Station July 20, 1945.
Naval Undersea Warfare Center: Newport Division: West Palm Beach Detachment - NUWC: Newport: WPBD
Location: West Palm Beach • State: FL
NUWC Division Newport provides the technical foundation that enables the conceptualization, research, development, fielding, modernization, and maintenance of systems that ensure our Navy's undersea superiority.
Naval Undersea Warfare Center: Keyport Division - NUWC: Keyport: Pacific Detachment
Location: Pearl Harbor • State: HI
NUWC Division, Keyport, one of two divisions of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), provides advanced technical capabilities for test and evaluation, in-service engineering, maintenance and industrial base support, fleet material readiness, and obsolescence management for undersea warfare. Some of the support services we provide include in-service engineering, test and evaluation, custom engineered solutions, and cutting-edge technologies that sustain and maintain our nation's Undersea Warfare Systems.
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Systems Center Pacific, Hawaii - SSC-P, Hawaii
Location: Pearl City • State: HI
SSC Pacific is one of the Navy’s premier research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E;) laboratory for command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR). We provide complete life-cycle development and support for military C4ISR systems — from concept to fielded capability. Our laboratory settings, test beds and simulated operational environments offer working environments unachievable elsewhere. We actively partner with industry, academia and other government and non-government entities.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Carderock Division: Acoustic Research Detachment
NSWC: Carderock: ARD
Location: Bayview, ID
The NSWCCD Acoustic Research Detachment (ARD) is located on Lake Pend Oreille, which is Idaho's largest, deepest (1,150 feet), and quietest body of water providing an ideal environment for acoustic testing without the attendant problems and costs of open ocean operations. The ARD operates and supports unique Large Scale Submarine Models, Test Ranges, and acoustic test facilities utilized in conducting Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) of submarine acoustic stealth technology.
Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Crane Division
Location: Crane, IN
The mission of NSWC Crane is to provide acquisition engineering, in-service engineering and technical support for sensors, electronics, electronic warfare and special warfare weapons. NSWC Crane also works to apply component and system-level product and industrial engineering to surface sensors, strategic systems, special warfare devices and electronic warfare systems, as well as to execute other responsibilities as assigned by the Commander, Naval Surface Warfare Center.
It specializes in total lifecycle support in three focus areas:
(1) Expeditionary Warfare ;
(2) Strategic Missions ; and
(3) Electronic Warfare
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Crane Division
NSWC: Crane
Location: Crane, IN
The mission of the NSWC Crane Division is to provide acquisition engineering, in-service engineering and technical support for sensors, electronics, electronic warfare, and special warfare weapons. Apply component and system level product and industrial engineering to surface sensors, strategic systems, special warfare devices and electronic warfare/information operations systems. Execute other responsibilities as assigned by the Commander, Naval Surface Warfare Center.
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Systems Center
Atlantic SSC-A
Location: New Orleans, LA
The mission of SPAWAR -Atlantic is to provide quality full-service systems engineering and acquisition to rapidly deploy capabilities to the Naval, Joint and National Warfighter through the development, test, evaluation, production and fielding of sustainable, survivable, and interoperable Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (C4ISR), Information Operations, Enterprise Information Services (EIS) and Space capabilities that enable knowledge superiority.
Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division: Patuxent River - NAWCAD
Location: Patuxent River • State: MD
Located at Patuxent River, Maryland; Lakehurst, New Jersey; and Orlando, Florida; our team supports research and development, engineering, test and evaluation of all Navy and Marine Corps air vehicle systems and trainers. NAWCAD manages test ranges, test facilities, laboratories and aircraft necessary to support the fleet's acquisition requirements. We provide a variety of services to the Department of Defense, federal agencies and non-federal customers.
NAWCAD is one of two product centers within Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) that partner with industry to deliver high-quality, affordable products in support of military operating forces worldwide. Our products and services include aircraft, avionics, air-launched weapons, electronic warfare systems, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, launch and arresting gear, training equipment and facilities, and all air power equipment related to the Navy and Marine Corps.
As one of the three principal stakeholders in the Naval Aviation Enterprise (NAE), NAVAIR is responsible for development, acquisition, and life-cycle management for all Navy and Marine Corps aviation systems.
Naval Medical Research Center - NMRC
Location: Silver Spring • State: MD
The Naval Medical Research Center is a premier research organization with a vision: World-class, operationally relevant health and medical research solutions - anytime, anywhere!
In today's world, we face not only the medical threats associated with conventional warfare, but also the potential use of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism against our military forces and our citizens. Thus, research at NMRC is focusing on finding solutions to both traditional battlefield medical problems, such as bleeding, traumatic brain injury, combat stress, and naturally occurring infectious diseases, as well as to health problems associated with non-conventional weapons, including thermobaric blast, biological agents, and radiation.
Naval Research Laboratory - Scientific Development Squadron ONE - NRL: VXS-1
Location: Paxtuent River • State: MD
VXS-1 (Scientific Development Squadron One) and the NRL Military Support Division provide airborne research platforms for the Naval Research Laboratory, the United States Navy, U.S. Government, and its contract agencies.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Indian Head Division - NSWC: Indian Head
Location: Indian Head • State: MD
The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (NSWC IHEODTD) is the Department of Defense (DoD) Energetics Center and serves as the DoD Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Program lead. NSWC IHEODTD focuses on the research, development, test, evaluation and in-service support of energetics and energetic systems as well as works to provide Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen worldwide with the information and technological solutions they need to detect/locate, access, identify, render safe, recover/exploit, and dispose of both conventional and unconventional explosive threats.
Naval Research Laboratory
NRL: Stennis
Location: Stennis, MS
NRL-SSC serves as the lead Navy laboratory for research in ocean and atmospheric sciences with special strengths in physical oceanography, marine geosciences, ocean acoustics, marine meteorology, and remote oceanic and atmospheric sensing.
Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division: Lakehurst - NAWC AD: Lakehurst
Location: Lakehurst • State: NJ
The NAWCAD is one of two product centers within the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR). NAVAIR, working with industry, delivers high quality, affordable products and support to the operating forces. Products and services include: aircraft, avionics, air-launched weapons, electronic warfare systems, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, launch and arresting gear, training equipment and facilities, and all other equipment related to Navy and Marine Corps air power. NAVAIR provides total life cycle support of all naval aviation weapon systems including research, design, development, and engineering; acquisition; test and evaluation; training facilities and equipment; repair and modification; and in-service engineering and logistics support. As one of the three principal stakeholders in the Naval Aviation Enterprise (NAE), NAVAIR is responsible for development, acquisition, and life-cycle management for aviation systems.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Indian Head Division: Earle Detachment - NSWC: Indian Head: ED
Location: Colts Neck • State: NJ
The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (NSWC IHEODTD) is the Department of Defense (DoD) Energetics Center and serves as the DoD Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Program lead. NSWC IHEODTD focuses on the research, development, test, evaluation and in-service support of energetics and energetic systems as well as works to provide Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen worldwide with the information and technological solutions they need to detect/locate, access, identify, render safe, recover/exploit, and dispose of both conventional and unconventional explosive threats.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Indian Head Division: Picatinny Detachment - NSWC: Indian Head: Picatinny Detachment
Location: Picatinny • State: NJ
The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (NSWC IHEODTD) is the Department of Defense (DoD) Energetics Center and serves as the DoD Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Program lead. NSWC IHEODTD focuses on the research, development, test, evaluation and in-service support of energetics and energetic systems as well as works to provide Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen worldwide with the information and technological solutions they need to detect/locate, access, identify, render safe, recover/exploit, and dispose of both conventional and unconventional explosive threats.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Port Hueneme Division:White Sands Detachment
NSWC: Port Hueneme: WSD
Location: White Sands, NM
The White Sands Detachment offers facilities and personnel supporting storage, assembly, integration, live-fire testing, and recovery of missile, gun, and rocket systems. A vast array of test scenarios are possible at White Sands Detachment ranging from restrained rocket motor tests through all-up round engagement of ground, aerial, and theater missile defense targets. As part of a Tri-Service National Range test facility with expanding high-speed secure interconnectivity, a variety of network-centric and battle space management scenarios are possible. The White Sands' live-fire mission is critical to the acquisition and fielding of Navy weapons.
Naval Medical Research Unit: Dayton NAMRU: Dayton
Location: Dayton, OH
NAMRU-D's mission is to maximize warfighter performance and survivability through world-class aeromedical and environmental health research by delivering solutions to the field\, the Fleet and for the future. NAMRU-D is Navy Medicine's global research leader, solving tomorrow's warfighter challenges with today's innovative aeromedical and environmental health research solutions.
NAMRU-D is co-located with the Air Force's 711th Human Performance Wing at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, enabling direct collaboration and facilitating access to their extensive research capabilities. As a result, NAMRU-D is the one -stop research lab for scientific questions on aeromedical and environmental health.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Naval Sea Logistics Center - NSWC: NSLC
Location: Mechanicsburg • State: PA
The Naval Sea Logistics Center (NSLC), with a headquarters in Mechanicsburg, PA, is a field activity of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center Keyport Division. The NSLC in Mechanicsburg provides integrated logistics, engineering, information technology expertise, and a range of products and services to all facets of the Navy's worldwide logistics support structure.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Philadelphia Division"- NSWC: Philadelphia
Location: Philadelphia • State: PA
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division-Ship Systems Engineering Station in (NSWC CD-SSES) Philadelphia provides the Navy's primary technical expertise and facilities for both naval machinery research & development and naval machinery life cycle engineering. These two technical focus areas are effectively linked under a common organizational structure, the Machinery Research and Engineering Department.
NSWCCD-SSES is responsible for the machinery systems core equity of the Ship and Ship Systems Product Area for the United States Navy. As such, NSWCCD-SSES serves as a central point for academia and industry to join forces with Navy technical experts to develop solutions to needs in naval machinery. Consistent with its core equity responsibility, NSWCCD-SSES fulfills key functions including research, design, development, shipboard & land-based test & evaluation, acquisition support, in-service engineering, Fleet engineering, integrated logistics support & concepts, and overall life cycle engineering.
Naval Undersea Warfare Center: Newport Division
NUWC: Newport
Location: Newport, RI
NUWC Division Newport, one of two divisions of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, is the Navy's full-spectrum research, development, test and evaluation, engineering, and fleet support center for submarine warfare systems and many other systems associated with the undersea battlespace. NUWC Division Newport provides the technical foundation that enables the conceptualization, research, development, fielding, modernization, and maintenance of systems that ensure our Navy's undersea superiority. NUWC Division Newport is responsible, cradle to grave, for all aspects of systems under its charter, and is engaged in efforts ranging from participation in fundamental research to the support of evolving operational capabilities in the U.S. Navy fleet. The major thrust of NUWC Division Newport's activities is in applied research and system development.
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Systems Center Atlantic
Location: Charleston, SC
The mission of SPAWAR -Atlantic is to provide quality full-service systems engineering and acquisition to rapidly deploy capabilities to the Naval, Joint and National Warfighter through the development, test, evaluation, production and fielding of sustainable, survivable, and interoperable Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (C4ISR), Information Operations, Enterprise Information Services (EIS) and Space capabilities that enable knowledge superiority.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Carderock
Division: Large Cavitation Channel NSWC: Carderock: LCC
Location: Memphis, TN
This detachment, located on a 94-acre site on President's Island near Memphis, became part of the David Taylor Research Center (DTRC) in 1988. In 1992, DTRC consolidated with NAVSSES to become the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division. This detachment includes a nearly 500,000 square foot industrial facility with a 10-story clear space and associated RDT&E support spaces. This detachment was developed as the operating site for the Large Cavitation Channel.
Naval Medical Research Unit: San Antonio
NAMRU: San Antonio
Location: San Antonio, TX
NAMRU-SA's mission is to conduct medical, craniofacial, and biomedical research, which focuses on ways to enhance the health, safety, performance, and operational readiness of Navy and Marine Corps personnel and addresses their emergent medical and oral/facial problems in routine and combat operations.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Indian Head Division: Ogden Detachment
NSWC: Indian Head: OD
Location: Hill AFB, UT
The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (NSWC IHEODTD) is the Department of Defense (DoD) Energetics Center and serves as the DoD Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Program lead. NSWC IHEODTD focuses on the research, development, test, evaluation and in-service support of energetics and energetic systems as well as works to provide Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen worldwide with the information and technological solutions they need to detect/locate, access, identify, render safe, recover/exploit, and dispose of both conventional and unconventional explosive threats.
- Office of Naval Research
- Naval Surface Warfare Center: Dahlgren Division
- Naval Undersea Warfare Center: Newport Division
- Naval Surface Warfare Center: Carderock Division: Combatant Craft Division
- Naval Surface Warfare Center: Combat Division Systems Activity DamNeck
- Naval Surface Warfare Center: Port Hueneme Division: Virginina Beach Detachment
- Naval Surface Warfare Center: Indian Head Division: Yorktown Detachment
Office of Naval Research - ONR
Location: Arlington • State: VA
As an executive branch agency within the Department of Defense, the Office of Naval Research (ONR) supports the President's budget. ONR provides technical advice to the Chief of Naval Operations and the Secretary of the Navy. Led by the Chief of Naval Research, its senior leadership oversees a portfolio of investments ranging from immediate, quick-turnaround technologies to long term basic research.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Dahlgren Division - NSWC: Dahlgren
Location: Dahlgren • State: VA
NSWCDD’s mission is to provide research, development, test and evaluation, analysis, systems engineering, integration and certification of complex naval warfare systems. NSWCDD conducts basic research in all systems-related areas and pursues scientific disciplines including physics, mathematics, laser and computer technology, software, mechanical, electrical and systems engineering, and biotechnology and chemistry. As a premier naval scientific and engineering institution, Dahlgren technology is critical to new design concepts for current ships and for systems integration and interoperability for the U.S. Navy.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Dahlgren Division
Naval Undersea Warfare Center: Newport Division - NUWC: Newport
Location: Newport • State: VA
NUWC Division Newport, one of two divisions of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, is the Navy's full-spectrum research, development, test and evaluation, engineering, and fleet support center for submarine warfare systems and many other systems associated with the undersea battlespace.
NUWC Division Newport provides the technical foundation that enables the conceptualization, research, development, fielding, modernization, and maintenance of systems that ensure our Navy's undersea superiority.
NUWC Division Newport is responsible, cradle to grave, for all aspects of systems under its charter, and is engaged in efforts ranging from participation in fundamental research to the support of evolving operational capabilities in the U.S. Navy fleet. The major thrust of NUWC Division Newport's activities is in applied research and system development.",
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Carderock Division: Combatant Craft Division - NSWC: Carderock: CCD
Location: Norfolk • State: VA
The Combatant Craft Division (CCD) employs more than 150 naval architects, engineers, technicians, logisticians and support personnel working in a synergistic Integrated Product Team Environment providing the core of U.S. Government high performance boats/craft expertise and experience. Established in 1967, CCD is the DoD's technical support center and primary source for watercraft1 design and system engineering. CCD's main administrative and engineering offices are located at the Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek - Fort Story, Virginia.
The Combatant Craft Division (CCD) employs more than 150 naval architects, engineers, technicians, logisticians and support personnel working in a synergistic Integrated Product Team Environment providing the core of U.S. Government high performance boats/craft expertise and experience. Established in 1967, CCD is the DoD's technical support center and primary source for watercraft1 design and system engineering. CCD's main administrative and engineering offices are located at the Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek - Fort Story, Virginia.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Combat Division Systems Activity Dam Neck - NSWC: CDSA Dam Neck
Location: Virginia Beach • State: VA
Combat Direction Systems Activity (CDSA) Dam Neck provides research, development, test and evaluation, analysis, systems engineering, and integration of complex naval systems associated with surface warfare and strategic combat and weapons systems. We are the only NAVSEA Warfare Center Command located in a major Fleet concentration area, which enables us to leverage our unique laboratories and facilities for training and capability development. Our employees work with and support vessels such as aircraft carriers, cruisers/destroyers, amphibious ships and submarines. Our work is focused on providing engineering, acquisition, and logistical support to Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Special Warfare, Coalition, and Joint Forces.
The Combatant Craft Division (CCD) employs more than 150 naval architects, engineers, technicians, logisticians and support personnel working in a synergistic Integrated Product Team Environment providing the core of U.S. Government high performance boats/craft expertise and experience. Established in 1967, CCD is the DoD's technical support center and primary source for watercraft1 design and system engineering. CCD's main administrative and engineering offices are located at the Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek - Fort Story, Virginia.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Combat Division Systems Activity Dam Neck
- NSWC: CDSA Dam Neck
Location: Virginia Beach • State: VA
Combat Direction Systems Activity (CDSA) Dam Neck provides research, development, test and evaluation, analysis, systems engineering, and integration of complex naval systems associated with surface warfare and strategic combat and weapons systems. We are the only NAVSEA Warfare Center Command located in a major Fleet concentration area, which enables us to leverage our unique laboratories and facilities for training and capability development. Our employees work with and support vessels such as aircraft carriers, cruisers/destroyers, amphibious ships and submarines. Our work is focused on providing engineering, acquisition, and logistical support to Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Special Warfare, Coalition, and Joint Forces.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Port Hueneme Division: Virginia Beach Detachment
- NSWC: Port Hueneme: VBD
Location: Virginia Beach • State: VA
The Virginia Beach Detachment was established to support the Port Hueneme Division’s mission to provide test and evaluation, in-service engineering, and integrated logistics support for: Surveillance radar systems, System interface and Radar design improvement
The Combatant Craft Division (CCD) employs more than 150 naval architects, engineers, technicians, logisticians and support personnel working in a synergistic Integrated Product Team Environment providing the core of U.S. Government high performance boats/craft expertise and experience. Established in 1967, CCD is the DoD's technical support center and primary source for watercraft1 design and system engineering. CCD's main administrative and engineering offices are located at the Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek - Fort Story, Virginia.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Combat Division Systems Activity Dam Neck - NSWC: CDSA Dam Neck
Location: Virginia Beach • State: VA
Combat Direction Systems Activity (CDSA) Dam Neck provides research, development, test and evaluation, analysis, systems engineering, and integration of complex naval systems associated with surface warfare and strategic combat and weapons systems. We are the only NAVSEA Warfare Center Command located in a major Fleet concentration area, which enables us to leverage our unique laboratories and facilities for training and capability development. Our employees work with and support vessels such as aircraft carriers, cruisers/destroyers, amphibious ships and submarines. Our work is focused on providing engineering, acquisition, and logistical support to Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Special Warfare, Coalition, and Joint Forces.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Port Hueneme Division: Virginia Beach Detachment - NSWC: Port Hueneme: VBD
Location: Virginia Beach • State: VA
The Virginia Beach Detachment was established to support the Port Hueneme Division’s mission to provide test and evaluation, in-service engineering, and integrated logistics support for: Surveillance radar systems, System interface and Radar design improvement
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Indian Head Division: Yorktown Detachment - NSWC: Indian Head: YD
Location: Yorktown • State: VA
The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (NSWC IHEODTD) is the Department of Defense (DoD) Energetics Center and serves as the DoD Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Program lead. NSWC IHEODTD focuses on the research, development, test, evaluation and in-service support of energetics and energetic systems as well as works to provide Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen worldwide with the information and technological solutions they need to detect/locate, access, identify, render safe, recover/exploit, and dispose of both conventional and unconventional explosive threats.
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Indian Head Division: Yorktown Detachment
Naval Surface Warfare Center: Carderock Division: Puget Sound Detachment - NSWC: Carderock: PSD
Location: Silverdale • State: WA
This detachment is located at Naval Base Kitsap - Bangor and provides technical, management, and logistic support for west coast acoustic trials, fleet acoustic assistance, and machinery health monitoring. It is responsible for the operation of the Southeast Alaska Acoustic Measurement Facility (SEAFAC) near Ketchikan, Alaska.
Naval Undersea Warfare Center: Keyport Division - NUWC: Keyport
Location: Keyport • State: WA
NUWC Division, Keyport, one of two divisions of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), provides advanced technical capabilities for test and evaluation, in-service engineering, maintenance and industrial base support, fleet material readiness, and obsolescence management for undersea warfare. Some of the support services we provide include in-service engineering, test and evaluation, custom engineered solutions, and cutting-edge technologies that sustain and maintain our nation's Undersea Warfare Systems.
Naval Research Laboratory
NRL: Headquarters
Location: Washington, DC
NRL operates as the Navy's full-spectrum corporate laboratory, conducting a broadly based multidisciplinary program of scientific research and advanced technological development directed toward maritime applications of new and improved materials, techniques, equipment, systems and ocean, atmospheric, and space sciences and related technologies.
In fulfillment of this mission, NRL:
Initiates and conducts broad scientific research of a basic and long-range nature in scientific areas of interest to the Navy.
Conducts exploratory and advanced technological development deriving from or appropriate to the scientific program areas.
Within areas of technological expertise, develops prototype systems applicable to specific projects.
Assumes responsibility as the Navy's principal R&D activity in areas of unique professional competence upon designation from appropriate Navy or DOD authority.
Performs scientific research and development for other Navy activities and, where specifically qualified, for other agencies of the Department of Defense and, in defense-related efforts, for other Government agencies.
Serves as the lead Navy activity for space technology and space systems development and support.
Serves as the lead Navy activity for mapping, charting, and geodesy (MC&G) research and development for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA).