Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories Locations Map

Our Mission


Ensuring continued U.S. military dominance against current and future threats requires a vigorous and innovative Defense Research Enterprise. Managing this enterprise under budget and resource constraints, however, requires the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology to optimally balance effectiveness and efficiency while working to fulfill the national priorities defined by Departmental guidance. Defense Research Operations supports the ASD(R&E) mission by delivering comprehensive, cogent insight into and oversight of the activities and capabilities of the DoD laboratories, a significant facet of the broad array of governmental, academic, and industrial research and engineering efforts.



DoD-supported FFRDCs (Federally Funded Research and Development) are independent, not-for-profit, private-sector organizations that are established and funded to meet special long-term engineering, research, development, or other analytic needs that cannot be met as effectively by other private-sector or government resources.


DoD-supported UARCs (University Affiliated Research Centers) are non-profit research organizations affiliated with universities and have a set of core competencies – areas of domain expertise or specialization – that are tailored to the long-term needs of the Department.

DoD Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories

An STRL (Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories) is an organizational designation, historically through a National Defense Authorization Act or designated as such by the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, that conveys certain legislated flexibilities to a Military Service research laboratory or center.

Defense Laboratory Enterprise

U.S. Arny Official Seal
U.S. Air Force Official Seal
Department of Defense Official Seal