Welcome to Science & Technology

Our Vision:


          Posture the R&D Enterprise to create far-reaching technology innovations and set them on a trajectory to create U.S. military technical advantage

      • A balanced approach between maintaining scientific collaboration and protecting American scientific advances from illicit exploitation
      • A DoD S&T Enterprise recognized globally for technical excellence and thought leadership
      • Accelerated technology advancement by harnessing the full range of DoD's science and innovation base.

About Us

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Science and Technology (OASD(S&T)) leads the Department's work to create DoD's technology advantage OASD(S&T) also:

  • Oversees the Department's entire Science and Technology portfolio.
  • Advocates for the Department's S&T workforce and laboratory infrastructure.
  • Oversees the Department's Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC) and University Affiliated Research Centers (UARC)
  • Helps to cultivate the next generation of S&T professionals for the Department.
  • Advises on the Department's critical technology protection policy.
  • Oversees the health of the Defense technical industrial base.


Mr. Holthe was appointed to the Senior Executive Service (SES) in April 2020 and is currently Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology (ASD(S&T)).  In this role, he directs an organization responsible for the policy, oversight, and advocacy for the Department of Defense (DoD) research enterprise, including the science and technology (S&T) workforce and laboratory infrastructure, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers, University-Affiliated Research Centers, and the balance between promotion and protection of defense research.

Michael J. Holthe, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology (ASD(S&T)) Official Government Photo

DoD Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Foundations LogoScience & Technology Foundations

The Office of S&T Foundations fosters an innovation-driven defense enterprise through leading-edge research programs, stewardship of laboratories and research institutions, development of a superior science and engineering workforce, engagement with industry, academia, and other Government agencies, and cooperation with international allies and partners.

DoD Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Futures LogoScience &Technology Futures

The Director of S&T Futures champions the CTO S&T enterprise to maintain oversight and awareness of DoD research and development in emerging technology areas and to steward the supporting industrial base. The Director of S&T Futures also serves as the lead for the DoD S&T Communities of Interest and as the Deputy for the US-UK Science and Technology Defense Review, also known as the US-UK S&T Stocktake.

Science & Technology Program Protection

The Office of Science and Technology Program protects technology advantage and counter unwanted technology transfer to ensure warfighter dominance through assured, secure, and resilient systems and a healthy, viable national security innovation base.

Defense Technical Information Center

DTIC collects, disseminates, and analyzes scientific and technical (S&T) information to rapidly and reliably deliver the knowledge base that propels the development of warfighter capabilities. DTIC manages DoD's sole centralized S&T repository of 4.6M+ documents from across the Services and agencies; provides verified users access to unclassified, controlled and classified S&T information; and via the DoD Information Analysis Centers, solves technology challenges through rapid, flexible and low-cost research services.

Scientific Integrity is the adherence to professional practices ethical behavior, and the principles of honesty and objectivity when conducting, managing, using the results of, and communicating about science and scientific activities. Inclusivity, transparency, and protection from inappropriate influence are hallmarks of scientific integrity.

The Joint Reserve Directorate (JRD) enhances OSD operations and decision-making by providing expertise on emerging and innovative concepts, technologies, strategies, and practices not traditionally available to research and engineering leaders and DoD.

The mission of the Defense Science and Technology Reliance 21 Initiative is to ensure integrated and coordinated strategic planning for the Department of Defense S&T program. Through the collaborative efforts of Communities of Interest and guided by the S&T Executive Committee (S&T ExCom), Reliance 21 continuously aligns our S&T investments to support the warfighter priorities and capability gaps, which the Department can only accomplish through the coordinated efforts of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, the Military Departments, and Defense Agencies.

The Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP) is a five-nation, defense innovation network that harnesses science and technology in support of the national defense and security of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The US Principal and Deputy within TTCP are provided by DDR&E(R&T).

The US-UK Science and Technology (S&T) Defense Review, also known as the US-UK S&T Stocktake, strategically directs and balances short- and long-term S&T priorities, responds to emerging threats and opportunities, and ensures that collaborative activities complement those done in wider multilateral engagements. The US Principal and Deputy to the US-UK S&T Stocktake are provided by DDR&E(R&T).