Welcome to Science and Technology Foundations
Our Vision:
Foster innovation and scientific and technological dominance across the Department of Defense, with our domestic partnerships and international alliances, and through excellent S&T workforce today and tomorrow

Our Mission:
Sustain U.S. scientific and technological superiority to enable unquestioned battlefield dominance
About Us
The Office of Science and Technology (S&T) Foundations fosters an innovation-driven defense enterprise through leading-edge research programs, stewardship of laboratories and research institutions, development of a superior science and engineering workforce, engagement with industry, academia, and other Government agencies, and cooperation with international allies and partners. To preserve the Department's unrivaled technical expertise, the Director of S&T Foundations advocates for the DoD laboratories and engineering centers, Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratories (STRLs), federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs), and university affiliated research centers (UARCs) and leads Department-wide STEM education and outreach and workforce development initiatives. The office is a proponent of basic research, small business engagement, and rapid innovation, while focusing its S&T priorities directly on military modernization as the United States competes to maintain its long-held technological dominance.