The purpose of the Cognitive Readiness SubTAG of the Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group (DoD HFE TAG) is to address the latest advances in cognitive readiness research in terms of both theory development and practical applications across domains.
The objectives are:
- To provide a mechanism for the exchange of technical information concerning methods and technologies for screening personnel and predicting their on-the-job performance.
- To enhance working level coordination among government agencies regarding research, development and application of Cognitive Readiness tools and constructs.
- To identify technology gaps and requirements for advancements in the field of Cognitive Readiness and related domains such as cognitive resiliency and brittleness, human reliability, decision-making, socio-cultural dynamics, situational awareness, neuroscience, and network science.
This scope of this SubTAG includes topics that seek to utilize knowledge products from disciplines such as cognitive science, network science, neuroergonomics, and sociology to pioneer new developments that enable the cognitive readiness of operational personnel. Activities of this group shall include the exchange of information and working level coordination directed toward advancing the field of Cognitive Readiness research.
The general topics of interest to the subgroup include, but are not limited to:
- Methods, tools, techniques and technologies used in the measurement of Cognitive Readiness for both individuals and teams.
- Training and mitigation strategies, to include embedded training and scenario-based training for both individuals and teams.
- The emergence and validation of theoretical and computational models of Cognitive Readiness.
The composition of the Cognitive Readiness SubTAG will be consistent with policies of the DoD HFE TAG.
Meetings of the Cognitive Readiness SubTAG will be held in conjunction with DoD HFE TAG meetings and will meet at least once each year. This SubTAG reserves the right to call additional meetings throughout the year.
The chair (and/or co-chairs) shall be elected annually by members attending the first meeting of the calendar year. The chair(s) may succeed him or herself so long as duly reselected. The chair does not have to be rotated among services, but shall be offered to the best qualified person who is willing to fill that position.
Issues and policy changes shall be brought before the SubTAG at the semi annual meetings. Those in attendance who are DoD HFE TAG members shall be eligible to vote. A simple majority of those in attendance shall decide motions before the subTAG. All charges or requests for services of the SubTAG will be delivered through the chair(s) for action. All responses from the SubTAG will be delivered by the chair(s), or designated representative, as defined through majority opinion. Minutes of meetings will be recorded, reviewed, and transmitted in accordance with policies of the DoD HFE TAG. Where appropriate, working groups will be established to address particular problems and will be chaired by the Subgroup Chair(s) or a designated representative. Membership of a working group will not be restricted to employees of the government, and will be nominated by its chair(s) for approval by a majority of the DoD HFE TAG Operating Board. Working Groups will develop plans on a milestone basis, and will provide reports of progress at least annually.
February 2012
The objective of this SubTAG is to assure that the development of advanced display and control systems for use by human operators is done consistent with the principles of human factors.
This subTAG is not intended to supplant any other organization that already exists. Rather, it is intended to provide a means by which all DOD/NASA/FAA personnel who are working in the area of displays and controls can maintain a high level of awareness and currency of developments in controls and displays as they occur.
This SubTAG will concern itself with the concepts of displays and controls. Displays include visual, audio, and tactile, as well as other devices, which can be used to provide information to a human operator. Controls will include direct manipulation and neurological interfaces, ocular metrics, and voice. This scope of this SubTAG is not limited to these examples. Keeping in mind that this may mean some overlap between areas of interest of this SubTAG and other organizations, this SubTAG will sustain a free exchange of information with other organizations and will cooperate with them in every way possible.
The SubTAG will implement its objectives by pursuing these functions: (a) serving as a forum or clearing house for the exchange of ideas and information about the latest work done or in progress in the display area; (b) providing an interface group for the development of joint support of research or development efforts which would be beyond the capacity of any individual sponsor; (c) assisting in the standardization of display and control characteristics where needed. Ensuring a free opportunity for sustaining successful coordination across service and department lines is a paramount concern.
As a subordinate organization to the DOD HFE TAG, this subTAG is subject to the pleasure of the senior body and operates under the provisions of its operating structure.
This SubTAG shall be open to any DOD/NASA/FAA personnel who are working in displays and who participate in the Human Factors Engineering TAG. Representatives of technical and industrial associations as appropriate under TAG policy may also participate.
The chair shall be elected every two years by members attending the first meeting of the calendar-year. The chair may succeed him or herself so long as duly reselected. The chair does not have to be rotated among services, but shall be offered to the best qualified person who is willing to fill that position.
This subTAG shall meet in conjunction with the regular DOD HFE TAG meetings. The exact time and place shall be determined by the chair or a person designated by the chair and members will be notified by mail prior to the meeting.
The Design: Tools and Techniques (DTT) SubTAG is focused on the tools and methods that ensure Human Engineering (HE) can enhance human system interfaces and prevent human error or injury. The SubTAG is concerned with tools, techniques, analyses, and databases which facilitate: 1) human performance considerations throughout a system's lifecycle; and 2) the measurable impact HE has on manpower, personnel, training, safety, health and biomedical requirements, and survivability.
Five key functions are defined for the DTT SubTAG. These are: 1) to develop and maintain a detailed, categorized list of HE tools and methods; 2) to provide a repository where government-owned HE tools and related training can be housed and shared; 3) to identify gaps where HE tools and methods are needed; 4) to spur joint efforts that will promote the development of needed tools and methods that enhance HE equipment, systems, and facilities designs; and 5) to provide a forum for the exchange of technical information and identification of points of-contact within the DoD, other government agencies, and affiliated organizations.
Open to any DoD, civilian government agencies, academia, and technical society or industrial representatives working in the area of HE design consistent with the policies of the DoD HFE TAG.
Chairs are elected from the active membership of the DTT SubTAG for a two year term.
The first year will be as chair elect and requires working with the current chair, attending DoD HFE TAG operating board meetings, and assisting with the selection of speakers in support of future meetings.
During the second year, the chair elect will assume full responsibility as chair for the SubTAG activities which includes: conducting SubTAG meetings, arranging for speakers, attending to the administrative and reporting requirements of the DoD HFE TAG, and presiding over the election of next chair elect who will in turn assume full duties of chair at the beginning of the second year.
It is the intent of the rotation sequence that there will always be at least one available chair for the SubTAG and the SubTAG meetings, and at least one year of experience will have occurred before a chair elect assumes full responsibility.
The normal meeting schedule will be coincident with the DoD HFE TAG. This schedule may be changed at the discretion of the chair to include meetings outside the DoD HFE TAG. The DTT SubTAG will meet at least once a year with the DoD HFE TAG regardless of additional outside meetings.
The Design: Tools and Techniques (DTT) SubTAG is focused on the tools and methods that ensure Human Engineering (HE) can enhance human system interfaces and prevent human error or injury. The SubTAG is concerned with tools, techniques, analyses, and databases which facilitate: 1) human performance considerations throughout a system's lifecycle; and 2) the measurable impact HE has on manpower, personnel, training, safety, health and biomedical requirements, and survivability.
Functions and Mission
Five key functions are defined for the DTT SubTAG. These are: 1) to develop and maintain a detailed, categorized list of HE tools and methods; 2) to provide a repository where government-owned HE tools and related training can be housed and shared; 3) to identify gaps where HE tools and methods are needed; 4) to spur joint efforts that will promote the development of needed tools and methods that enhance HE equipment, systems, and facilities designs; and 5) to provide a forum for the exchange of technical information and identification of points of-contact within the DoD, other government agencies, and affiliated organizations.
The Extreme Environments (EE) SubTAG is concerned with all facets of Human Factors, Human Factors Engineering, and Ergonomics (HF HFE & E), which deal with any type of extreme environments. This includes the design, development, fabrication, and implementation of any related hardware or software systems, and the interfacing of these systems with humans. Extreme Environments, for the purpose of this SubTAG include, but are not limited to: space flight, high-altitude flight, extraterrestrial, underground, underwater, arctic and antarctic conditions, desert, tropical, fire fighting, mountaineering, volcanic and other geo-thermal, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, high noise level, hypobaric and hyperbaric, and toxic chemical, bacteriological, and virological environments.
It is intended that this SubTAG provide a forum whereby HF HFE & E practitioners, working in any extreme environment, can share their success stories and/or concerns relative to hardware or software design and implementation, training, and out of nominal or emergency situations (related to both systems and crew), among others. It is hoped that these presentations will become catalysts to spur new developments and joint efforts that will allow the enhancement of HF related equipment, systems, and facilities designs. These meetings will, at the very least, provide a mechanism for the exchange of technical information and identification of points of-contact within the DOD, other government agencies, and affiliated organizations.
Open to representatives of any branch of the DOD, civilian government agency, and technical society or industrial organization working in the areas of HF HFE & E design consistent with the policies of the DoD HFE TAG.
Chairs are to be elected from the active membership of the EE SubTAG for a two-year term.
During the first year, the Chair Elect will work with the current Chair, attending the DoD HFE TAG operating board meetings, and assisting with the selection of speakers in support of future meetings.
The second year, the Chair Elect will assume full responsibility, as Chair, for the SubTAG activities, which include: the conduction of the SubTAG meetings, arranging for speakers, attending to the administrative and reporting requirements of the DoD HFE TAG, and presiding over the election of the next Chair Elect, who will in turn assume full duties of Chair at the beginning of the second year.
The intent of this rotation sequence is to insure that there will always be at least one available Chair for the TAG and the SubTAG meetings, and at least one year of experience will have been accumulated before a Chair Elect assumes full responsibility.
The normal meeting schedule will be coincident with the DoD HFE TAG. This schedule may be changed at the discretion of the Chair to include meetings outside the DoD HFE TAG. The EE SubTAG will meet at least once a year with the DOD HFE TAG regardless of additional outside meetings.
The Extreme Environments (EE) SubTAG is concerned with all facets of Human Factors, Human Factors Engineering, and Ergonomics (HF HFE & E), which deal with any type of extreme environments. This includes the design, development, fabrication, and implementation of any related hardware or software systems, and the interfacing of these systems with humans. Extreme Environments, for the purpose of this SubTAG include, but are not limited to: space flight, high-altitude flight, extraterrestrial, underground, underwater, arctic and antarctic conditions, desert, tropical, fire fighting, mountaineering, volcanic and other geo-thermal, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, high noise level, hypobaric and hyperbaric, and toxic chemical, bacteriological, and virological environments.
Functions and Mission
It is intended that is SubTAG provide a forum whereby HF HFE & E practitioners, working in any extreme environment, can share their success stories and/or concerns relative to hardware or software design and implementation, training, and out of nominal or emergency situations (related to both systems and crew), among others. It is hoped that these presentations will become catalysts to spur new development and joint efforts that will allow the enhancement of HE related equipment, systems, and facilities designs. These meetings will, at the very least, provide a mechanism for the exchange of technical information and identification of points-of-contact within the DoD, other government agencies, and affiliated organizations.
The HSI Management and Application Subgroup will be limited to members, industry liaison representatives, and advisors as follows:
- Membership is open to anyone from DOD, NASA, or other federal agencies working in HFE or HSI.
- Industry liaison representatives include members of the DOD HFE TAG TS/I subgroup who have an interest in HFE/HSI management and applications.
- Advisors include representatives from other DOD HFE TAG subgroups who wish to assist the interface with other DOD HFE TAG subgroups and their products.
- The chair (a) presides at meetings and prepares agenda, schedule, announcements, and minutes; (b) integrates recommended actions; and (c) responds to requirements of the DOD HFE TAG through its chair, operating board, or coordinator.
- Members coordinate with applicable personnel of the technical and management communities within their organizations when needed so that interests of their organizations individually and, as a whole, can be reflected in planning actions on harmonious and economical bases.
- Industry liaison representatives, likewise, coordinate with applicable personnel and organizations of their technical and management communities when needed so that such interests are reflected in planning actions.
- Advisors provide guidance, liaison, and expertise from areas within the scope of the other subgroups but that affect acquisition processes.
- For issues arising at a meeting requiring polling, each member will have one vote.
Chairs are to be elected from the active membership of this subgroup for a 2 year term. The first year will be as chair elect and requires working with the current chair, attending TAG operating board meetings, and assisting with the selection of speakers in support of future meetings. During the second year, the chair elect will assume full responsibility for the subgroup activities and will preside over the election of the next chair who will in turn assume full duties at the end of the second year. It is the intent of the rotation sequence that there will always be at least one available chair for all TAG or subgroup meetings, and at least 1 year of experience will have occurred before a chair elect assumes full responsibility.
The chair elect shall appoint an associate chair as an industry liaison. The associate chair will serve during the tenure of the subgroup chair. The associate chair may not act in place of the DOD Subgroup Chair at executive or operating board meetings.
The normal meeting schedule will be coincident with the main TAG. This schedule may be changed at the discretion of the chairman to include meetings outside the TAG. The subgroup will meet at least once a year with the main TAG regardless of additional outside meetings.
Mission and Function
According to DOD Directive 5000.2, Human System Integration (HSI) is concerned with both the application of Human Factors Engineering (HFE) during weapon system acquisition and modification, and the prediction of HFE consequences on manpower, personnel, training, safety, and health/biomedical requirements. The purpose of this subgroup is to explore how policies, procedures, and practice can best facilitate HSI. Its emphasis is more on management and communication than on technology, more on acquisition than research and development, and more on the application of HSI tools than on the tools themselves. Typical topics of interest would include RFP preparation, source selection, design analysis, design reviews, interaction between staffs of different services/represented organizations, interaction between human factors engineers and other system engineers, review of contractor data submissions, test planning, evaluation or research products in the application environment, and coordinated research and development request activity.
The scope of the area of interest includes DoD and service HSI policy, HSI initiatives (Army MANPRINT, Air Force IMPACTS, Navy HSI), interservice inconsistencies in the acquisition process, feedback of lessons learned from test results and field operations to human factors engineers, and the identification of problems during application of HSI tools, technologies, standards, or guidance. Industry/government, higher/lower staff echelon, and support relations are of prime interest. This SubTAG functions in a non-attribution environment whenever necessary to promote candor
The Workload, Stress and Human Performance SubTAG serves as an ad hoc committee in assessing, guiding, and improving the technical investigation among all government agencies to understand the unique impact on human performance of operator and crew workload, stress, fatigue, and cognitive/collaboration demands in an increasingly networked environment. The group reports to the Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group (DoD HFE TAG) as a working level planning and coordinating activity.
This technology area may be defined as that body of knowledge, concepts, principles, data, methodology, and criteria pertaining to human physical and mental performance characteristics, its effect on the design of all system interfaces, and contribution to systems and operational effectiveness within manned systems and in coordination with unmanned systems or with distributed/remote collaborators connected through communication networks.
This man machine integration technology is to be applied in the planning, design, development and testing of all manned systems. It is the technical information needed to fulfill the functions required in the system's development process.
SubTAG Responsibilities
A. Composition
The subTAG shall consist of engineering and scientific personnel currently developing and applying methods and techniques for quantifying and specifying operator and crew workload and related human performance metrics within the Army, Navy, Air Force, NASA, FAA, or other member organizations of the DoD HFE TAG.
B. Administration
The subTAG should meet semi annually or more often if necessary. At least one meeting each calendar year must be held in conjunction with the DoD HFE TAG meetings. As a guideline, the Chair(s) of the subTAG will rotate among the Army, Navy, Air Force, NASA, and FAA every other meeting or as needed. If a Chair cannot be identified from the next organization in rotation, then the next organization after that will be solicited for a Chair. The Chair(s) Select will be determined by vote of the subTAG membership present at the subTAG meeting of election. Voting during meetings shall be by simple majority. Coordinated minutes will be prepared and disseminated no later than 60 days after each meeting.
SubTAG members will serve as focal points for subTAG activities within their parent organizations. Although information may be obtained by subTAG members concerning the position of an organization on an issue of concern, the inputs of the members will be based upon their organizations. (Official positions will be solicited by respective staff agencies through established management channels before recommendations are implemented.)
The subTAG will promote the exchange of technical information between organizations involved in the human performance areas of operator and crew workload stress, fatigue and cognitive collaboration demands in an increasingly networked environment.
The subTAG will provide:
- For interagency technical coordination, mutual assistance, and joint exploitation and implementation of mutually required R&D.
- A consistent traceable record of findings and coordinated activities which could serve certain management information functions.
- An established integrating mechanism which could respond to new requirements.
- A forum for commercial and academic contractors to review their capabilities and findings.
- The subTAG's long range goal is to consolidate human performance findings in order to produce standardized workload, stress, fatigue, cognitive performance, and network science (social networks) measurement metrics, methods and procedures.
Activities of the Workload, Stress and Human Performance SubTAG will be documented in the minutes of each meeting, signed by the Chair(s), and submitted to the DoD HFE TAG. A recommendation section will be included when appropriate.
The Mission Centric Human Performance Measurement SubTAG serves as an ad hoc committee in assessing, guiding, and improving the technical investigation among all government agencies involved in operator and crew workload RDT&E. The group reports to the Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group (DoD HFE TAG) as a working level planning and coordinating activity.
SubTAG members will serve as focal points for SubTAG activities within their parent organizations. although information may be obtained by subgroup members concerning the position of an organization on an issue of concern, the inputs of the members will be based upon their organizations. (Official positions will be solicited by respective staff agencies through established management channels before recommendations are implemented.)
The SubTAG will promote the exchange of technical information between organizations involved in the area of operator and crew workload stress, fatigue, cognitive performance, and network science (social networks).
The SubTAG will provide:
For interagency technical coordination, mutual assistance, and joint exploitation and implementation of mutually required R&D.
- A consistent traceable record of findings and coordinated activities which could serve certain management information functions.
- An established integrating mechanism which could respond to new requirements.
- A forum for commercial and academic contractors to review their capabilities and findings.
- The SubTAG's long range goal is to consolidate workload requirement findings in order to produce standardized workload, stress, fatigue, cognitive performance, and network science (social networks) measurement metrics, methods and procedures.
The Modeling and Simulation SubTAG seeks to provide a mechanism for the exchange of technical information, identify of points of contact within the DoD and affiliated organizations, and to increase government personnel awareness of the state of the art in human factors modeling and simulation.
The technical scope of the SubTAG includes the full spectrum of human modeling and simulation tools, representational formats, and application areas. The scope of this TAG will include: (a) validated information on individual, small and large group human performance and behavior for use by programs for constructive and virtual modeling and simulation, (b) methods for the verification, validation, and accreditation of human models and simulations, (c) endeavors in the development of human modeling and simulation in response to the needs of the Analysis, Training, Acquisition, Testing, and Experimentation Communities.
Open to any DoD, NASA, FAA and Technical or Industrial association representatives working in the area of human modeling and simulation as defined above and consistent with the policies of the DoD HFE TAG.
Chairpersons are to be elected from the active membership of the SubTAG for a two-year term. The first year will be as chair elect and requires working with the current chair, attending TAG operating board meetings, and assisting with the selection of speakers in support of future meetings. During the second year, the chair elect will assume full responsibility for the SubTAG activities and will preside over the election of the next chair who will in turn assume full duties at the end of the second year. It is the intent of the rotation sequence that there will always be at least one available chair for all TAG or SubTAG meetings, and at least one year of experience will have occurred before a chair elect assumes full responsibility.
The normal meeting schedule will be coincident with the main TAG. This schedule may be changed at the discretion of the Chair to include meetings outside the TAG. The SubTAG will meet at least once a year with the main TAG regardless of additional outside meetings.
The Human Modeling and Simulation SubTAG seeks to provide a mechanism for the exchange of technical information, identify of points of contact within the DoD and affiliated organizations, and to increase government personnel awareness of the state of the art in human factors modeling and simulation.
The technical scope of the SubTAG includes the full spectrum of human modeling and simulation tools, representational formats, and application areas. The scope of this TAG will include: (a) validated information on individual, small and large group human performance and behavior for use by programs for constructive and virtual modeling and simulation, (b) methods for the verification, validation, and accreditation of human models and simulations, (c) endeavors in the development of human modeling and simulation in response to the needs of the Analysis, Training, Acquisition, Testing, and Experimentation Communities.
Provide a mechanism for the exchange of technical information concerning methods and technologies for the screening of military personnel and the prediction of performance of personnel in military occupations.
Enhance working level coordination among government agencies regarding research, development and application of personnel selection and performance prediction technologies.
Identify technology gaps and requirements for advancements in the state of knowledge relevant to personnel selection and performance prediction.
The increasingly complex nature and high value of land , sea , air , and spaceborne military systems demand that highly capable soldiers, sailors, and airmen be tasked with their operation and care. This subgroup will address methods and technologies for selecting personnel for military occupations requiring complex human machine interactions. Activities of this group shall include exchange of information, working level coordination, and identification of requirements for all technical areas directed toward improved manpower utilization through selection, classification, and performance prediction.
The general topics of interest to the subgroup include, but are not limited to:
- Methods and technologies applicable to the quantitative assessment of individual differences for purposes of improving screening and prediction systems.
- Performance based standards for screening of applicants to technical training and transition programs.
Definition of performance criteria and of methodologies for assessing performance in training and operational settings. - Issues arising from policy considerations of manpower, equal opportunity, and needs of the services.
Prediction of performance in training and operation of complex systems.
The composition of the Personnel Screening and Performance Prediction Subgroup will be consistent with policies of the DoD HFE TAG.
Meetings of the Personnel Screening and Performance Prediction Subgroup will be held semiannually and at least once yearly in conjunction with DoD HFE TAG meetings.
The Subgroup Chair will be elected by simple majority of members attending the election meeting. The chair will serve a one year term. The chair position will be rotated between the military services. Members of the service scheduled to assume the chair are responsible for selecting a nominee. If no one from the immediately scheduled service is found to serve as chair, the position will be offered to the next scheduled service. A chair may nominate him- or herself.
Issues and policy changes shall be brought before the Subgroup at the semi annual meetings. Those in attendance who are listed as bona fide members of the Subgroup shall be eligible to vote. A simple majority of those in attendance shall decide motions before the subgroup. All charges or requests for services of the Subgroup will be delivered through the chair for action. All responses from the Subgroup will be delivered by the chair, or designated representative, as defined through majority opinion. Minutes of meetings will be recorded, reviewed, and transmitted in accordance with policies of the DoD HFE TAG. Where appropriate, working groups will be established for addressing particular problems and chaired by the Subgroup Chair or designated representative. Membership of a working group will not be restricted to employees of the government, and will be nominated by its chair for approval by a majority of the DoD HFE TAG Operating Board. Working Groups will develop plans on a milestone basis, and will provide reports of progress at least annually.
Provide a mechanism for the exchange of technical information concerning methods and technologies for the screening of military personnel and the prediction of performance of personnel in military occupations.
Enhance working level coordination among government agencies regarding research, development and application of personnel selection and performance prediction technologies.
Identify technology gaps and requirements for advancements in the state of knowledge relevant to personnel selection and performance prediction.
The increasingly complex nature and high value of land , sea , air , and spaceborne military systems demand that highly capable soldiers, sailors, and airmen be tasked with their operation and care. This subgroup will address methods and technologies for selecting personnel for military occupations requiring complex human machine interactions. Activities of this group shall include exchange of information, working level coordination, and identification of requirements for all technical areas directed toward improved manpower utilization through selection, classification, and performance prediction.
The general topics of interest to the subgroup include, but are not limited to:
- Methods and technologies applicable to the quantitative assessment of individual differences for purposes of improving screening and prediction systems.
Performance based standards for screening of applicants to technical training and transition programs. - Definition of performance criteria and of methodologies for assessing performance in training and operational settings.
- Issues arising from policy considerations of manpower, equal opportunity, and needs of the services.
- Prediction of performance in training and operation of complex systems.
The objectives of the Human Factors Standardization (HFS) SubTAG of the Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group (DoD HFE TAG) are to (1) identify needed programs and initiatives to applicable organizations: DoD Human Factors Standardization Area of Consideration (HFAC) and other government lead standardization activities, custodians, preparing activities, and offices of primary record, (2) provide advisory support to ensure successful coordinated efforts in implementing planned HFAC and related actions, (3) avoid duplication among DoD standardization projects and activities, and (4) maximize and enhance the exchange of standardization information between the DoD human factors community and other government, non-government standards bodies (NGSB), and other technical societies and industry groups.
The scope of HFS SubTAG interests includes standardization documents (current and potential) and programs within the DoD HFAC Standardization Area, other government organizations, and NGSB (domestic and international).
The HFS SubTAG, sponsored by the DoD HFE TAG:
identifies problems and opportunities of the HFAC and other government HFE standardization activities, suggesting proposed actions to address the problems and exploiting opportunities for government-industry cooperation in resolving them, identifies technical points of contact for accomplishment of cooperative efforts, identifies effective and efficient means of using HFAC, other government HFE documents and NGS in acquisition programs, consistent with acquisition reform policies, maintains liaison with NGSB and other industry groups and technical societies,
The HFS SubTAG carries out the above functions consistent with the (1) Defense Standardization Manual (DoD 4120.3-M), (2) SECDEF Memo of 29 Jun 94 (Subject: Specifications & Standards-A New Way of Doing Business), and (3) implementing guidance and policies of the DoD, FAA and NASA. The HFS SubTAG also periodically advises the DoD HFE TAG regarding HFAC accomplishments, status, and plans, and obtains inputs from the DoD HFE TAG, and assists in developing and preparing DoD HFE TAG documents, as requested, and otherwise supports the DOD HFE TG consistent with the DOD HFE TAG Operating Structure and Policies.
Membership is open to all DoD HFE TAG affiliates.
Officers. The membership is served and guided by the Chair, Immediate Past Chair, and Chair Select.
Elections. During the Fall meeting of even numbered years, the Chair shall call for nominations for Chair Select. Any member may nominate a Chair Select, ensuring in advance that the nominee is amenable to serving. Any DoD, FAA, or NASA affiliate of the DoD HFE TAG is qualified to serve as Chair.
Terms. The Chair, Chair Select and the Immediate Past Chair serve two-year terms beginning with installation at the end of the Fall meeting of even numbered years.
The Chair (a) schedules and presides at HFS SubTAG meetings and prepares the agenda, announcements, and minutes; (b) coordinates with the DoD HFE TAG through its Chair, Executive Committee, Operating Board, or Coordinator as appropriate, (c) provides the membership with direction and guidance received from the DoD HFE TAG Operating Board, (d) requests members to undertake or participate in HFS SubTAG tasks or in actions needed to respond to the DoD HFE TAG, (e) responds to inquiries from the TAG Executive Committee, Operating Board, or Coordinator, (f) provides reports to the DoD HFE TAG, including any required oral reports at the DoD HFE TAG plenary sessions and draft minutes to the DoD HFE TAG Coordinator, (g) maintains and revises the HFS SubTAG charter, and (h) maintains HFS SubTAG files and membership roster.
The Immediate Past Chair assumes the responsibilities of the Chair in the absence of the Chair. The Chair Select assumes the responsibilities of the Chair in the absence of both the Chair and the Immediate Past Chair.
To maximize free flow of information, positions taken and opinions expressed by members are considered to be theirs, as individuals, and not necessarily those of the organizations with which they are affiliated, unless cleared in advance with such organizations and clearly stated by the members.
The HFS SubTAG will meet in conjunction with the DoD HFE TAG.
The mission of the Human Factors Standardization (HFS) SubTAG is to foster open communications and coordination of human factors-related standardization activities among the Department of Defense, other government agencies, non-government standards bodies, technical societies, and industry groups.
The objectives of the Human Factors Standardization (HFS) SubTAG of the Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group (DoD HFE TAG) are to: (1) identify needed programs and initiatives to applicable organizations such as DoD Human Factors Standardization Area of Consideration (HFAC) and other government lead standardization activities, custodians, preparing activities, and offices of primary record; (2) provide advisory support to ensure successful coordinated efforts in implementing planned HFAC and related actions; (3) avoid duplication among DoD standardization projects and activities; and (4) maximize and enhance the exchange of standardization information between the DoD human factors community and other government, non-government standards bodies (NGSB), and other technical societies and industry groups.
The scope of HFS SubTAG interests includes standardization documents (current and potential) and programs within the DoD HFAC Standardization Area, other government organizations, and NGSB (domestic and international).
The HFS SubTAG, sponsored by the DoD HFE TAG:
identifies problems and opportunities of the HFAC and other government HFE standardization activities, suggesting proposed actions to address the problems and exploiting opportunities for government-industry cooperation in resolving them identifies technical points of contact for accomplishment of cooperative efforts identifies effective and efficient means of using HFAC, other government HFE documents and NGS in acquisition programs, consistent with acquisition reform policies maintains liaison with NGSB and other industry groups and technical societies periodically advises the DoD HFE TAG regarding HFAC accomplishments, status, and plans, and obtains inputs from the DoD HFE TAG assists in developing and preparing DoD HFE TAG documents, as requested, and otherwise supports the DOD HFE TG consistent with the DOD HFE TAG Operating Structure and Policies
The HFS SubTAG carries out the above functions consistent with the (1) Defense Standardization Manual (DoD 4120.3-M), (2) SECDEF Memo of 29 Jun 94 (Subject: Specifications & Standards-A New Way of Doing Business), and (3) implementing guidance and policies of the DoD, FAA and NASA.
The primary objective of this subgroup is to promote detailed interchange and coordination of technical information on system safety (SS), health hazards (HH), and survivability (Sv) considerations in the development and application of human factors engineering to the DoD lifecycle materiel system acquisition management process. The goal of the information interchange is to enhance total system performance, protect personnel from injuries and illnesses, and improve the ability of military personnel to survive during combat operations, operations other than war, and in hostile environments. Secondary objectives include: 1) enhancing working level coordination among personnel involved with the total matrix of human system integration issues pertaining to DoD research, development, and acquisition, 2) identifying SS, HH, and Sv technical approaches, progress, issues, and technology gaps, and 3) encouraging indepth technical interaction among personnel involved with human system integration issues across all recognized human factors domains.
This subgroup focuses on SS, HH, and Sv applications to developmental, fielded, and other military materiel systems. Since SS, HH, and Sv issues and application responsibilities cover the full lifecycle military materiel acquisition management process, subgroup topical coverage also may span relevant issues, applications, lessons learned, and recommended future actions associated with the entire research, development, and acquisition process. This includes considerations common to all acquisition phases including, but not limited to operation, control, maintenance, training, shipment/storage, and other activities having impacts on SS, HH, and Sv. Agenda coverage may consist of review and assessment of current Service specific SS, HH, and Sv assessment policies and procedures, more detailed review and analysis of technical approaches in identifying, evaluating, and controlling or eliminating problems or, evaluation of the pertinent lessons learned from existing program efforts. In addition, the subgroup will investigate methods to improve human factors technology research, development, and application specific to SS, HH, and Sv considerations.
Membership on this subgroup will be consistent with the overall DoD HFE TAG policy. Membership will be open to all eligible DoD HFE TAG members.
At least one subgroup meeting will be held yearly in conjunction with the parent DoD HFE TAG meetings. In addition to concurrent meetings with the parent Technical Advisory Group (TAG), as necessary, special off line working meetings, or extended on line workshops occasionally may be held.
The subgroup will operate with two Co Chairpersons each of which will represent a different domain (SS, HH, Sv). Each Co Chairperson will serve a term of 2 3 years, and attempt to rotate the Chairperson positions between the different Services. In addition, rotation of the Co Chairpersons will be phased to avoid rotation of all the Co Chairpersons in the same meeting time frame. Co Chairperson elects will be selected through a democratic process one to two meetings before the incumbent's service period ends. Nominations for these positions will emphasize experience in SS, HH, @}Sv, and human factors applications to military research, development, or acquisition management, as well as a commitment to actively participate and direct associated subgroup planning and coordination functions. The subgroup Chairperson(s) will maintain a roster or Subgroup members and provide a copy to the DoD HFE TAG Program Coordinator. The Chairperson will update periodically the roster to insure that members receive timely announcements concerning future meetings, copies of meeting minutes, and other relevant TAG and Subgroup announcements.
For each Subgroup meeting, the subgroup Co Chairpersons will prepare and submit a brief written report summarizing the subgroup meeting presentations and discussion, to the DoD HFE TAG Program Coordinator, for inclusion in the set of DoD HFE TAG minutes covering each meeting.
The primary objective of this SubTAG is to promote detailed interchange and coordination of technical information on system safety (SS), health hazards (HH), and survivability (Sv) considerations in the development and application of human factors engineering to the DoD lifecycle materiel system acquisition management process. The goal of the information interchange is to enhance total system performance, protect personnel from injuries and illnesses, and improve the ability of military personnel to survive during combat operations, operations other than war, and in hostile environments. Secondary objectives include: 1) enhancing working level coordination among personnel involved with the total matrix of human system integration issues pertaining to DoD research, development, and acquisition, 2) identifying SS, HH, and Sv technical approaches, progress, issues, and technology gaps, and 3) encouraging in-depth technical interaction among personnel involved with human system integration issues across all recognized human factors domains.
This SubTAG focuses on SS, HH, and Sv applications to developmental, fielded, and other military materiel systems. Since SS, HH, and Sv issues and application responsibilities cover the full lifecycle military materiel acquisition management process, subgroup topical coverage also may span relevant issues, applications, lessons learned, and recommended future actions associated with the entire research, development, and acquisition process. This includes considerations common to all acquisition phases including, but not limited to operation, control, maintenance, training, shipment/storage, and other activities having impacts on SS, HH, and Sv. Agenda coverage may consist of review and assessment of current Service specific SS, HH, and Sv assessment policies and procedures, more detailed review and analysis of technical approaches in identifying, evaluating, and controlling or eliminating problems or, evaluation of the pertinent lessons learned from existing program efforts. In addition, the SubTAG will investigate methods to improve human factors technology research, development, and application specific to SS, HH, and Sv considerations.
The objective of the Technical Society/lndustry Subgroup (TSI SG) of the Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical Group (DoD HFE TG) is to maximize and enhance the exchange of human factors engineering information among technical societies, industry groups, and the DoD human factors community.
The TS/I SG addresses problems of a general or continuing nature across all HFE technologies where the background and insights of technical societies and industry groups with HFE interests can be utilized by DoD.
The TS/I SG, sponsored by the DoD HFE TG:
responds to needs for detailed interchange and coordination in specific HFE technical areas,
identifies HFE problems and opportunities for government industry cooperation in resolving them,
identifies technical points of contact for accomplishment of cooperative efforts,
maintains liaison with parent TS/] organizations to ensure a two way flow of information between the DoD HFE TG and such TS/I organizations,
Assists in developing and preparing DoD HFE TG documents, as requested, and
supports the DOD HFE TG consistent with the DOD HFE TG Operating Structure and Policies.
The T/SI SG is open to technical societies and industry groups or associations within the United States which have a clearly stated interest in the discipline of HFE whether set forth in their bylaws, contained in a policy statement, or reflected by membership qualifications.
Each member organization may appoint an individual to serve as its principal liaison representative and, if desired, may also appoint not more than two alternates. Such appointments shall be confirmed, in writing, to the current chair of the TS/I SG.
Subgroups of represented organizations will not also be granted representation. For purposes of this provision, such subgroups are defined as committees, subcommittees, working groups, and similar bodies that are officially part of, and subordinate to, the parent organization, by charter and name, and any of their subordinate organizations.
Officers. The membership is served and guided by the current chair, immediate past chair, and chair select.
Elections. During the Spring meeting of even numbered years, the Current Chair shall call for nominations for Chair Select. Any member may nominate a chair select from the membership roster, ensuring in advance that the nominee is amenable to serving.
Terms. The current chair and the immediate past chair serve two year terms beginning with installation at the end of the Fall meeting of even numbered years.
Where a need to develop a consensus arises, the Chair or a member may call for a formal vote. Each TS/I group represented at the meeting may cast a single vote. If a member represents more than one organization, he or she may cast one vote for each organization. Consensus shall be defined by a simple majority of votes cast. In the absence of its liaison representatives, a TS/I group vote may be cast by a proxy designated in advance, in writing, by the principal member.
The Chair (a) schedules and presides at TS/I meetings and prepares the agenda, announcements, and minutes; (b) coordinates with the DoD HFE TG through its Chair, Executive Committee, Operating Board, or Coordinator as appropriate, (c) provides the membership with direction and guidance received from the DoD HFE TG Operating Board, (d) evaluates membership requests against membership criteria, (e) requests members to undertake or participate in TS/I tasks or in actions needed to respond to the DoD HFE TG, (f) maintains Subgroup files and membership roster, (g) responds to inquiries from the TG executive committee, operating board, or coordinator, (h) maintains and revises the Subgroup charter, subject to approval by the membership and by the TG Operating Board, and (i) provides an oral reports at the DoD HFE TG plenary sessions and written report or minutes to the DoD HFE TG coordinator.
The Immediate Past Chair assumes the responsibilities of the current chair in the absence of the current chair. The Chair Select assumes the responsibilities of the current chair in the absence of both the current Chair and the Immediate Past Chair.
To maximize free flow of information, positions taken and opinions expressed by members are considered to be theirs, as individuals, and not necessarily those of the sponsoring technical society or industry group unless cleared in advance with the headquarters of such TS}I bodies and clearly stated by the member. Where formal positions are involved, members are expected to coordinate with the headquarters of their organizations and, as appropriate, with applicable technical or management groups within the organizations, so that their interests and positions are faithfully represented.
Any DoD representative qualified to attend a DoD HFE TG meeting may attend the TS/I SO meeting (other than caucus sessions) convening during that TG meeting. Others may attend the TS/I meetings with the permission of the Chair.
The TS/I will meet, whenever possible, in conjunction with the DoD HFE TG.
Members and alternates who have missed four consecutive meetings will normally be dropped unless they have contacted the Chair and requested continued affiliation. After three meetings have been missed, the Chair will inform the member that he or she is about to be dropped from membership in the DoD HFE TS/I Subgroup.
The objective of the Technical Society/lndustry SubTAG (TS/I SubTAG) of the Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group (DoD HFE TAG) is to maximize and enhance the exchange of human factors engineering information among technical societies, industry groups, and the DoD human factors community.
The TS/I SubTAG addresses problems of a general or continuing nature across all HFE technologies where the background and insights of technical societies and industry groups with HFE interests can be utilized by DoD.
The TS/I SubTAG, sponsored by the DoD HFE TAG:
- Responds to needs for detailed interchange and coordination in specific HFE technical areas
- Identifies HFE problems and opportunities for government-industry cooperation in resolving them
- Identifies technical points of contact for accomplishment of cooperative efforts
- Maintains liaison with parent TS/I organizations to ensure a two-way flow of information between the DoD HFE TAG and such TS/I organizations
- Assists in developing and preparing DoD HFE TAG documents, as requested
- Supports the DOD HFE TAG consistent with the DOD HFE TAG Operating Structure and Policies.
The TS/I SubTAG encourages representative participation from technical societies and/or their committees and subgroups with professional activities related to human factors, ergonomics and/or human systems integration. Credentialed representatives can be individuals from government, academia or private industry who are active in their technical society and are willing to provide a liaison function. The DoD HFE TAG is an information/problem solving forum; marketing/soliciting will not be tolerated.
The TS/I SubTAG is composed of the representatives of these technical societies. A TS/I member of the TAG must have a formal letter from his/her technical society requesting that this person represent the society at TS/I and TAG meetings. The Chair of TS/I and the Executive Committee of the TAG must approve the request. The TAG Coordinator will keep the letter on file while it remains valid. To assure continuous representation, the TS/I encourages the appointment of one primary representative and several alternates from each society. All primary and alternate representatives are encouraged to attend TAG meetings. However, only vote is allowed per society in TS/I matters.
For more information, contact the TS/I Chairs listed below.
Government employees are encouraged to attend TS/I technical sessions to further the liaison and coordination function of the TAG.
The objectives of the T&E SubGroup are to provide technical HFE assistance in the execution of T&E and to promote coordinated efforts within the DoD and among other government agencies of HFE T&E techniques. This SubGroup is intended to provide a forum for technical information exchange and to serve as a working level coordination group.
The objectives will be accomplished by means of technical information exchanges, discussions, and workshops which will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following general topic areas:
System Performance including:
- Identification, development, validation and standardization of HFE techniques or procedures used during T&E.
- Identification, development and validation of effective metrics for assessment of system performance during all phases of T&E.
- Improvement of HFE specifications, standards, and data item descriptions used during design and T&E.
- Identification of HFE T&E requirements.
Information; specifically:
- Improving inter service utilization of information collected during T&E.
- Assisting T&E activities in the training of their HFE personnel.
- Development of HFE T&E data base and technology demonstrations. Specifically, "LESSONS LEARNED".
- Examining how HFE related management decisions are made.
- Improving management's awareness and use of the contribution of HFE T&E.
- Provide advice on Tri Service implications of DoD Directives, Regulations and other management documents as they impact on HFE T&E.
- Training human factors T&E personnel.
For the routine operation of the SubGroup, only military organizations in each service whose activities are directly or primarily involved in the test and/or evaluation of equipment and software will be invited to participate in all meetings. In addition, other government organizations which may have specific HFE T&E interests will be invited to meetings. On occasion, contractors or universities who have developed techniques, methodologies or instrumentation relevant to HFE T&E may be invited to make presentations at SubGroup meetings. Technical society participation is invited.
The HFE T&E SubGroup will meet not less than twice a year. Participants are encouraged to communicate informally among themselves, with a copy of their informal correspondence being sent to the SubGroup Chairman for information purposes. At SubGroup meetings participants may be requested to, or may volunteer to, prepare presentations on topics of interest to the SubGroup. In addition, if an item of interest to the group arises between meetings, the Chairman may request a participant, or group of participants, to make a presentation. Ad hoc committees will be established as necessary.
The criterion to be employed regarding topics to be addressed at HFE T&E meeting is: "Will this information allow me to improve my HFE T&E?"
In order to encourage tri service participation, SubGroup Chairmanship will periodically rotate among the three services, normally to the service which least recently chaired. There will also be two active co chairmen: a chairman select who is elected two meetings prior to his or her succession to the chairmanship; and a past chairman. The chair select will assist the chairman in developing the agenda for meetings and in making whatever arrangements are necessary for the meeting. The past chair will serve as an advisor, and will assist the chairman and chairman select with whatever matters they collectively deem appropriate. Considerable informal communication is expected among these chairmen. The SubGroup Chairman will keep the TG Chairman apprised of SubGroup coordination and activities.
The objectives of the T&E SubTAG are to provide technical HFE assistance in the execution of T&E and to promote coordinated efforts within the DoD and among other government agencies of HFE T&E techniques. This SubTAG is intended to provide a forum for technical information exchange and to serve as a working level coordination group.
The objectives will be accomplished by means of technical information exchanges, discussions, and workshops which will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following general topic areas:
System Performance including:
- Identification, development, validation and standardization of HFE techniques or procedures used during T&E.
- Identification, development and validation of effective metrics for assessment of system performance during all phases of T&E.
- Improvement of HFE specifications, standards, and data item descriptions used during design and T&E.
- Identification of HFE T&E requirements.
Information; specifically:
- Improving inter-service utilization of information collected during T&E.
- Assisting T&E activities in the training of their HFE personnel.
- Development of HFE T&E data base and technology demonstrations. Specifically, "Lessons Learned."
- Examining how HFE related management decisions are made.
- Improving management's awareness and use of the contribution of HFE T&E.
- Provide advice on Tri-Service implications of DoD Directives, Regulations and other management documents as they impact on HFE T&E.
- Training human factors T&E personnel.
Provide a mechanism for the exchange of technical information concerning methods, tools and strategies for training and development.
Enhance bench-level coordination among government agencies researching, developing and applying training and development principles, guidelines, and technologies.
Identify gaps in the state-of-the-science and the state-of-the-practice relevant to training and development to push research agendas across the services.
This SubTAG will concern itself with the following topics:
- Training
- Human Factors/Human Systems Integration Considerations in Training
- Learning Theories
- Task Analyses
- Needs Assessment
- Training Effectiveness and Evaluation
- Training Methods & Strategies
- Technologies for Training and Development
The scope of this SubTAG is not limited to these examples and there are times when topics may overlap with that of another SubTAG. In such cases, the chair of this SubTAG will consult the chair of the affected SubTAG to deconflict talks and/or hold a joint session as necessary. This SubTAG will sustain a free exchange of information with other organizations and will cooperate with them.
The subTAG will implement its objectives by pursuing these functions: (a) serving as a forum or clearing house for the exchange of ideas and information about the latest work done or in progress in the training and development areas and (b) providing an interface group for the development of joint support for research and development efforts which would be beyond the capacity of any individual sponsor.
This SubTAG shall be open to all DoD, NASA, FAA, USCG, and federal employees, as well as TS/I Representatives working in the areas of training and development and interested in participating in the HFE TAG. Contractors may participate but will require prior approval from HFE TAG leadership.
The Training SubTAG shall meet in conjunction with the regular DoD HFE TAG meetings. The exact time and place shall be determined by the DoD HFE TAG chair and associated operating board. Members shall be notified of the meeting whereabouts and discussion topics will be solicited by the SubTAG chair.
The SubTAG Chair will be elected by simple majority of members attending the election meeting. The Chair will serve a two-year term. The chair position will be rotated among the military services. Members of the service scheduled to assume the chair are responsible for selecting a nominee. If no one from the immediately scheduled service is found to serve as chair, the position will be offered to the next scheduled service. A chair may nominate him or herself.
Issues and policy changes shall be brought before the SubTAG at the semi annual meetings. Those in attendance who are listed as bona fide members of the SubTAG shall be eligible to vote. A simple majority of those in attendance shall decide motions before the SubTAG. All charges or requests for services of the SubTAG will be delivered through the chair for action. All responses from the SubTAG will be delivered by the chair, or designated representative, as defined through majority opinion. Minutes of meetings will be recorded, reviewed, and transmitted in accordance with policies of the DoD HFE TAG. Where appropriate, working groups will be established for addressing particular problems and chaired by the SubTAG Chair or designated representative. Those seeking membership to a working group will not be restricted to employees of the government. The working group will be nominated by the SubTAG chair for approval by a majority of the DoD HFE TAG Operating Board. Working Groups will develop plans on a milestone basis, and will provide annual reports of progress.
Provide a mechanism for the exchange of technical information concerning methods, tools and strategies for training and development.
Enhance bench-level coordination among government agencies researching, developing and applying training and development principles, guidelines, and technologies.
Identify gaps in the state-of-the-science and the state-of-the-practice relevant to training and development to push research agendas across the services.
This SubTAG will concern itself with the following topics:
- Training
- Human Factors/Human Systems Integration Considerations in Training
- Learning Theories
- Task Analyses
- Needs Assessment
- Training Effectiveness and Evaluation
- Training Methods & Strategies
- Technologies for Training and Development
The scope of this SubTAG is not limited to these examples and there are times when topics may overlap with that of another SubTAG. In such cases, the chair of this SubTAG will consult the chair of the affected SubTAG to deconflict talks and/or hold a joint session as necessary. This SubTAG will sustain a free exchange of information with other organizations and will cooperate with them.
The subTAG will implement its objectives by pursuing these functions: (a) serving as a forum or clearing house for the exchange of ideas and information about the latest work done or in progress in the training and development areas and (b) providing an interface group for the development of joint support for research and development efforts which would be beyond the capacity of any individual sponsor.
Also participating in the HFE TAG are official representatives of technical societies or industry associations with a stated interest in human factors.
These representatives must be credentialed by the HFE TAG before attending. Refer to the Technical Society/Industry (TS/I) section of the SubTAGs page for more information.