About FutureG
Maintaining communication superiority is crucial for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) as it forms the backbone of effective military operations. Timely and secure communication is essential for executing Joint All Domain Command and Control with allies and partners. The Future Generation Wireless Technology (FutureG) Office supports this critical warfighting function by advancing and adapting commercial wireless network technology to deliver asymmetric warfighter advantage and increase U.S. technological leadership.
In 2020, the FutureG Office began a multi-year effort to develop and demonstrate prototype "dual-use" networks, applications, and enhancements designed to stimulate interest in and demand for 5G in the Department of Defense (DoD) and the commercial world. The FutureG Office works to adopt, adapt, and advance commercial technologies for asymmetric warfighter advantage, drive select commercial wireless innovations to meet DoD technical and capability requirements, and incentivize commercial developments to increase U.S. innovation and leadership. More recently, the FutureG Office has expanded its reach internationally, strengthening NATO and Allied partnerships by advancing FutureG research and collaboration.
At the Forefront of Cutting-edge Technology
The United States Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)) is at the forefront of cutting-edge wireless experimentation, transforming our warfighting communications and sensing capabilities. Mandated to evaluate, test and transition appropriate commercial wireless technology, this office continues to influence global standards to benefit American economic and national security.
FutureG Leadership

Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology (OASD(S&T)) Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
Principal Director for the FutureG Office
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology (OASD(S&T))

Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology (OASD(S&T)) Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
Deputy Director for the FutureG Office
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology (OASD(S&T))