National Science and Technology Council
HSD and the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)
HSD is the DoD representative or action officer for eight NSTC Subcommittees under the Committee on Science, Committee on Technology, Committee on Homeland and National Security, Committee on Environment, and Committee on S&T Enterprise. HSD works to ensure all relevant Services and DoD subject matter experts and stakeholders have awareness of and a voice at these executive level, interagency Subcommittees, promoting coordinated DoD engagement with OSTP.
HSD Responsibilities:
• Subcommittee on Biological Sciences
HSD Activities
• Federal Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (FCMSSR)
Committee on Homeland and National Security
•  Subcommittee on Biological Defense Research and Development (BDRD)
Committee on Environment
- Â Interagency Arctic Research and Policy Council (IARPC)
- Â https://community.max.gov/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1535381864
- Ocean Science and Technology (OST)