Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group: SubTAGS

Cognitive Readiness


The purpose of the Cognitive Readiness SubTAG of the Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group (DoD HFE TAG) is to address the latest advances in cognitive readiness research in terms of both theory development and practical applications across domains.

The objectives are:

  • To provide a mechanism for the exchange of technical information concerning methods and technologies for screening personnel and predicting their on-the-job performance.
  • To enhance working level coordination among government agencies regarding research, development and application of Cognitive Readiness tools and constructs.
  • To identify technology gaps and requirements for advancements in the field of Cognitive Readiness and related domains such as cognitive resiliency and brittleness, human reliability, decision-making, socio-cultural dynamics, situational awareness, neuroscience, and network science.

This scope of this SubTAG includes topics that seek to utilize knowledge products from disciplines such as cognitive science, network science, neuroergonomics, and sociology to pioneer new developments that enable the cognitive readiness of operational personnel. Activities of this group shall include the exchange of information and working level coordination directed toward advancing the field of Cognitive Readiness research.

The general topics of interest to the subgroup include, but are not limited to:

  • Methods, tools, techniques and technologies used in the measurement of Cognitive Readiness for both individuals and teams.
  • Training and mitigation strategies, to include embedded training and scenario-based training for both individuals and teams.
  • The emergence and validation of theoretical and computational models of Cognitive Readiness.

The composition of the Cognitive Readiness SubTAG will be consistent with policies of the DoD HFE TAG.

Meetings of the Cognitive Readiness SubTAG will be held in conjunction with DoD HFE TAG meetings and will meet at least once each year. This SubTAG reserves the right to call additional meetings throughout the year.

The chair (and/or co-chairs) shall be elected annually by members attending the first meeting of the calendar year. The chair(s) may succeed him or herself so long as duly reselected. The chair does not have to be rotated among services, but shall be offered to the best qualified person who is willing to fill that position.

Issues and policy changes shall be brought before the SubTAG at the semi annual meetings. Those in attendance who are DoD HFE TAG members shall be eligible to vote. A simple majority of those in attendance shall decide motions before the subTAG. All charges or requests for services of the SubTAG will be delivered through the chair(s) for action. All responses from the SubTAG will be delivered by the chair(s), or designated representative, as defined through majority opinion. Minutes of meetings will be recorded, reviewed, and transmitted in accordance with policies of the DoD HFE TAG. Where appropriate, working groups will be established to address particular problems and will be chaired by the Subgroup Chair(s) or a designated representative. Membership of a working group will not be restricted to employees of the government, and will be nominated by its chair(s) for approval by a majority of the DoD HFE TAG Operating Board. Working Groups will develop plans on a milestone basis, and will provide reports of progress at least annually.
February 2012

Controls & Displays
Cyber Security
Design: Tools & Techniques
Extreme Environments
Human Performance Measurement
Mixed Reality
Modeling & Simulation
Sustained Operations
System Safety, Health Hazards, Survivability
Technical Society/Industry
Test & Evaluation
Trust in Autonomy
Unmanned Systems

Also participating in the HFE TAG are official representatives of technical societies or industry associations with a stated interest in human factors.

These representatives must be credentialed by the HFE TAG before attending. Refer to the Technical Society/Industry (TS/I) section of the SubTAGs page for more information.