The primary product of the HFE TAG has been its role in technical information exchange and coordination of HFE research across DoD laboratories and other government agencies. In addition The TAG has developed and produced the following below.
DoD HFE Technical Advisory Group
Are you looking for the presentations from previous HFE TAG events? Presentations approved for public dissemination will be clickable on the HFE TAG Products page.
Dates: April 22-25, 2024
Balancing Risk and Performance
The goal of human factors engineering has long been to design systems by taking into consideration the respective strengths and limitations of the human and its “machine” counterpart, assigning tasks accordingly, culminating in a system that operates at its optimum capability. While optimum performance is the goal, the reality of system development typically dictates a set of tradeoffs to achieve system fielding in a timely, cost-efficient manner. These tradeoffs will likely result in a system that is sub-optimal in performance and perhaps poses some amount of risk to, or caused by, the humans in the loop, but ultimately helps meet a critical capability gap.
In a human factors engineering utopia, there would be plenty of money, unlimited time and resources to conduct tests and experiments, and customers with never-ending patience. But, until such a place on Earth comes to be, human factors engineers will find themselves playing an active role in the design tradeoff process, advocating for the human, yet having to balance various risks with overall system performance.
For TAG 76, we encourage submissions that focus on the delicate balance between risk and system performance. These might discuss novel group decision making strategies, tradeoff analyses, experimentation, modeling and simulations, along with their results and lessons learned. How can human factors engineers adjust their work to deliver actionable products at the pace of operations? We hope this year’s meeting will stimulate discussion around roles and strategies for human factors engineering work in complex systems.
- HSI Latent Factors - PPO - NASA - Thomas - April 2024 (pdf)- Thomas
- HSI Latent Factors - PPO - NASA - Thomas - April 2024 (pptx)-Thomas
- Design for Maintenance (pdf): Neeley
- The Experience-based Questionnaire for Usability Assessments Targeting Elaborations (EQUATE): An Overview & Proposed Validation Plan (pptx)- Rickel & Atkinson
Meeting Approval
On January 16, 2020, the Acting Director of Defense Research and Engineering for Research and Technology approved the 74th DoD HFE TAG meeting and subsequently on July 10, 2020, designated the DoD HFE TAG as a recurring DoD-hosted conference.
For more information, contact us.