DoD Grants Lifecycle Page


Review Grant/Agency Terms & Conditions


Gain knowledge of your DOD agency's terms and conditions to confirm all requirements for a grantee are met. You can review DoD Terms & Conditions on the Office of Naval Research site here.


Review Grants/Agency Regulations
For Certifications and Requirements

Grants also require grantees to have specific certifications and other requirements for different grants. Review DoD regulations found in 32 CFR part 32 (DoDGARs) 2 CFR part 1100 and grants regulations 2 CFR part 200, and other federal regulations as needed.

Get Registered and Organized

All potential grant recipients must register at Additionally, grantees must register at will also provide the required Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number.


Review Funding Opportunities

Review for listed funding
opportunities. Be sure to carefully follow all instructions in the announcements and leave enough time to complete the application process.

Submit Application Through

Once you have submitted your application, look for the funding agency's automated email confirmation.


Stay in the loop with the awarding agency and monitor for updates.


Term and Conditions

If you are selected, accept the Award Terms & Conditions detailed in the agency's the Notice of Award (NoA).

Reporting Requirements

If you are selected, accept the Reporting Requirements detailed in the agency's the Notice of Award (NoA).


Get Going!

Perform proposed activities once funds are dispersed.

Report Your Progress

Provide all required regular financial reporting and programmatic reporting on time.

Single Audit Support

If you expend > $750K n Federal awards during its fiscal year may be required to have a single audit conducted for that year.
Single Audit Details

Fraud & Abuse

Cooperate with the awarding agency to monitor progress and expenditures through accurate and timely reporting and performance metrics per the grant agreement.
Fraud and Abuse Details


Confirm Fulfillment Requirements

Prior to formal Closeout, the awarding agency will confirm completion of all grant work and tasks. Until formal closeout, the recipient is still responsible for fulfilling all the terms of the grant.

Submit Documentation For Closeout

The award recipient must submit the final financial and programmatic reports within 120 days, according to the OMB Uniform Grants Guidance §200.343.

Post Closeout

Participate in audit activities as appropriate.