DoD HFE Technical Advisory Group
Are you looking for the presentations from previous HFE TAG events? Presentations approved for public dissemination will be clickable on the HFE TAG Products page.
Dates: April 22-25, 2024
Location: In-person event at the
Marshall Space Flight Center
Huntsville, AL
- Continue to check this website and social media (@DoDHFETAG) for updates.
Balancing Risk and Performance
The goal of human factors engineering has long been to design systems by taking into consideration the respective strengths and limitations of the human and its “machine” counterpart, assigning tasks accordingly, culminating in a system that operates at its optimum capability. While optimum performance is the goal, the reality of system development typically dictates a set of tradeoffs to achieve system fielding in a timely, cost-efficient manner. These tradeoffs will likely result in a system that is sub-optimal in performance and perhaps poses some amount of risk to, or caused by, the humans in the loop, but ultimately helps meet a critical capability gap.
In a human factors engineering utopia, there would be plenty of money, unlimited time and resources to conduct tests and experiments, and customers with never-ending patience. But, until such a place on Earth comes to be, human factors engineers will find themselves playing an active role in the design tradeoff process, advocating for the human, yet having to balance various risks with overall system performance.
For TAG 76, we have encouraged submissions that focus on the delicate balance between risk and system performance. These might discuss novel group decision making strategies, tradeoff analyses, experimentation, modeling and simulations, along with their results and lessons learned. How can human factors engineers adjust their work to deliver actionable products at the pace of operations? We hope this year’s meeting will stimulate discussion around roles and strategies for human factors engineering work in complex systems.
2024 DoD HFE TAG 76 Schedule
Monday, 22 April
0900 – 1030 Training: Next Generation of Simulation and Training using Virtual and Augmented
Reality (Virtual)
1300 – 1600 Check In
TAG Leadership Meetings – Invitation Only
1500 – 1600 TAG Operating Board Meeting (Room 2)
Tuesday, 23 April
0800 – 1700 Check In
0830 – 1200 Opening Session: Welcome, Plenary Panel, and Keynote (Auditorium) 1300 – 1400 HRL
Familiarization Session (Room 1)
1300 – 1530 Modeling & Simulation SubTAG (Room 3)
1300 – 1530 Healthcare Human Factors SubTAG (Room 4)
1300 – 1600 Personnel and Human Performance Measurement Combined SubTAG (Room 2) 1400 – 1600
SAE G45 HSI Committee (Room 1)
1530 – 1700 Sustained Operations SubTAG (Room 3)
1600 – 1700 TAG New Member Orientation (Room 1) 1700 Close Day Two
Wednesday, 24 April
0730 – 1530
Check In
0800 – 1000
Safety, Survivability, & Health Hazards SubTAG (Room 2)
0800 – 1000
Design Tools & Techniques SubTAG (Room 3)
0800 – 1200
Mixed Reality SubTAG (Room 4)
0830 – 1000
Trust in Autonomy SubTAG (Room 1)
1000 – 1130
Cognitive Readiness SubTAG (Room 2)
1000 – 1200
Controls and Displays SubTAG (Room 1)
1000 – 1200
Test and Evaluation SubTAG (Room 3)
1300 – 1515
Potpourri Session (Room 3)
1300 – 1530
Training SubTAG (Room 1)
1300 – 1530
HFE / HSI SubTAG (Room 2)
1530 – 1700
Close Day Three
1730 – 2030
Social with Tennessee Valley HFES Chapter
Old Town Beer Exchange
301 Holmes Ave NE STE 150
Huntsville, AL 35801
(256) 270-7825
Web: OTBX Huntsville (
Thursday, 25 April
Morton Hall, University of Alabama in Huntsville
0800 – 0900
Caucuses: Army (Room 292), Navy (Room 293), USAF (Room 294),
Government (Room 145)
0930 – 1200
1200 – 1400
Flight Symbology Working Group (Room 292)
1300 – 1400
Technical Society / Industry SubTAG (Room 293)
1300 – 1530
MBSE and HSI SubTAG (Room 294)
1400 – 1530
Standardization SubTAG (Room 292)
End of Technical Program
1530 – 1630
TAG Operating Board Meeting (Room 292)
Close of TAG 76, see you next year!
Meeting Approval
On January 16, 2020, the Acting Director of Defense Research and Engineering for Research and Technology approved the 74th DoD HFE TAG meeting and subsequently on July 10, 2020, designated the DoD HFE TAG as a recurring DoD-hosted conference.
For more information, contact us.
DoD HFE Technical Advisory Group
Are you looking for the presentations from previous HFE TAG events? Presentations approved for public dissemination will be clickable on the HFE TAG Products page.
Dates: May 08-12, 2023
Location: In-person event at the University of Mary Washington (UMW) Dahlgren Campus 4224 University Drive, King George, VA 22485
Driving Directions: click here for more information.
Lodging Information: click here.
- Continue to check this website and social media (@DoDHFETAG) for updates.
Studying human and system error has helped us learn about capability but also can lead to a mindset of the human as a shortcoming and encourage a focus on systems failure instead of success, offering a limited and likely non-representative data set. For TAG #75, we ask how the HFE community can promote the view of humans as assets rather than liabilities, enabling the system to build resilience and increasing successful outcomes. The focus is on humans as the strength in the system.
2023 DoD HFE TAG 75 Schedule
Monday, 8 May 2023
- 0800-1530 Training: Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
- 0900-1200 Training: SAE 6906 Standard Practice for Human Systems Integration
- 1300-1530 Training: Warrior Toughness
- 1530-1630 TAG Operating Board Meeting
Tuesday, 9 May 2023
- 0830-1200 Opening Session with Plenary Panel and Keynote
- 1230-1300 TAG New Member Orientation
- 1300-1530 Human Performance Measurement SubTAG and Personnel SubTAG (Combined)
- 1300-1530 Cybersecurity SubTAG and HSI Retrospective
- 1300-1600 Modeling & Simulation SubTAG
- 1500-1700 SAE G45 Committee
- 1530-1700 Panel: Mapping Experiment-Level Metrics to Mission-Level Metrics
- 1900 Social Event
Wednesday, 10 May 2023
- 0800-0900 Plenary Talk
- 0900-1200 HFE/HSI SubTAG
- 0900-1100 Controls & Displays SubTAG
- 0900-1000 Technical Society/Industry SubTAG
- 1100-1130 Sustained Operations SubTAG
- 1300-1500 Design: Tools & Techniques SubTAG
- 1300-1500 Safety, Survivability, & Health Hazards SubTAG
- 1400-1600 Training SubTAG
- 1500-1600 Model-Based Systems Engineering SIG
- 1600-1700 Caucuses
- 1800 Social Event
Thursday, 11 May 2023
- 0800-0900 Plenary Talk
- 0900-1130 Healthcare Human Factors SubTAG
- 0900-1030 Cognitive Readiness SubTAG
- 1030-1130 Standardization SubTAG
- 1230-1600 Dahlgren Tours
Friday, 12 May 2023
- 0800-1000 Mixed Reality SubTAG
- 0800-0900 Extreme Environments SubTAG
- 1000-1100 TAG Operating Board Meeting
Meeting Approval
On January 16, 2020, the Acting Director of Defense Research and Engineering for Research and Technology approved the 74th DoD HFE TAG meeting and subsequently on July 10, 2020, designated the DoD HFE TAG as a recurring DoD-hosted conference.
For more information, contact us.
DoD HFE Technical Advisory Group
Are you looking for the presentations from previous HFE TAG events? Presentations approved for public dissemination will be clickable on the HFE TAG Products page.
Dates: May 16-20, 2022
Location: In-person event at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center (MMAC) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- Continue to check this website and social media (@DoDHFETAG) for updates.
Important Dates
- January 21, 2022: Begin call for abstracts
- February 18, 2022: Open registration for everyone (including presenters)
- March 18, 2022: Deadline for call for abstracts
- April 01, 2022: Notification of abstract acceptance (for authors who submitted abstracts by March 18 deadline)
- May 06, 2022: Deadline for presenters to submit their final presentation to the HFE TAG Chairs
- May 06, 2022: Close registration for everyone (including presenters)
- Final agenda (full program) will be posted after abstracts have been confirmed.
- Download the Agenda (as of May 06) here.
Theme: Holistic Human Factors Engineering:
Increasingly in the human factors, human performance, and Human Systems Integration (HSI) fields, there is recognition that factors combine and interact to influence efficiency, effectiveness, safety, and satisfaction related to human performance, sometimes in unpredictable ways. It is important to investigate and account for these interactions in order to reach and sustain the capability levels and operational tempo required of the technological age and modern warfare.
TAG #74 will highlight Holistic Human Factors Engineering (HHFE) and explore the impacts of innovative technologies and novel approaches on human mental and physical health, wellness, and capabilities. A myriad of human factors techniques and technologies are relevant to this space, such as wearables for situation awareness; mental imagery for mastery; big-data analytics to target interventions; and mixed reality, artificial intelligence, and machine learning application to selection, training, and system maintenance.
Meeting Approval
On January 16, 2020 the Acting Director of Defense Research and Engineering for Research and Technology approved the 74th DoD HFE TAG meeting and subsequently on July 10, 2020 designated the DoD HFE TAG as a recurring DoD-hosted conference.
On February 14, 2022 the Director of Defense Research and Engineering for Research and Technology approved the 74th DoD HFE TAG meeting that had been postponed from 2020.
On April 21, 2022 the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering approved the 74th DoD HFE TAG meeting in accordance with COVID-19 protocols.
For more information, contact us.
DoD HFE Virtual Technical Advisory Group
Are you looking for the presentations from the 2021 VTAG? Presentations approved for public dissemination will be clickable on the Products page.
Dates: Tuesday & Wednesday, June 29-30, 2021 @ 1100-1700 (Eastern Time)
Location: Defense Collaboration Services (DCS)
- Registration closes Friday, June 25th
- Register at the following site:
- Continue to check this website and social media (@DoDHFETAG) for updates.
Important Dates
- Thursday, May 27: Call for abstracts deadline
- Monday, May 31: Abstract acceptance notification
- Tuesday, June 1: Registration will open for everyone (including presenters)
- Friday, June 18: Deadline for presenters to submit their final presentation to the HFE TAG Chairs
- Friday, June 25: Registration closes for everyone (including presenters)
- Final agenda (full program) will be posted after abstracts have been confirmed.
- Tentative agenda as of June 23th is available here.
Theme: Human Factors of Data Driven Decision Making
- Humans are often required to make decisions under time and contextual pressures, ever-changing environments, and incomplete or unclear data. Under these conditions, factors such as competing priorities, human condition, and perceived risk may compound to negatively impact the quality of these decisions.
- Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) can ingest and integrate real-time information and metrics at volume and speeds beyond human capacity to support Data Driven Decision Making (DDDM) and outcomes. Employing underlying algorithms, data repositories, and intuitive visualization they enhance human capacity for making strategic, agile decisions and help mitigate impacts of human factors such as subjectivity, emotion, and disposition from the decision making process.
- In order to have an effective, sustainable DDDM program, consideration of topics such as data security, accessibility, trust, integrity, visualization, analytics, recency, as well as transactional and mass validity are paramount. The individual and compounding effects of these considerations in conjunction with human factors of performance can manifest as positive or negative impacts to decision making, significantly influencing outcomes. Understanding the outcome variance related to these human performance shaping factors and integrating their effects algorithmically with system performance models will strengthen readiness transparency and enable predictive, strategic planning for resilience.
- Advances and achievements in this area are anticipated to have broad application and implication across DoD and beyond. However, the efficacy of the approach to enhance decision quality is heavily dependent upon the quality of the underlying elements. Therefore, it is imperative that the HFE government, industry, and academic communities of interest work together to ensure best practices are balanced with security and governance as these core capabilities are developed. VTAG 2021 will provide a collaboration environment for discussion of human centric challenges and potential solutions in order to forge the future of DDDM cross-service solutions.
Meeting Approval
On January 16, 2020 the Acting Director of Defense Research and Engineering for Research and Technology approved the 74th DoD HFE TAG meeting.
For more information, contact us.
Virtual DoD HFE Technical Advisory Group
Are you looking for the presentations from the 2020 VTAG? Download the presentations on the Products page.
Dates: Wednesday & Thursday, 18 & 19 November 2020 @ 1230-1630 (ET) / 0930-1330 (PT)
Location: Microsoft Teams (Online)
- Registration has closed for the DoD HFE VTAG!
- Continue to check this website and social media (@DoDHFETAG) for updates.
The Save the Date can be located here.
Important Dates
- Deadline to register has passed.
- Final agenda (full program) has been posted.
Agenda is included on the registration site and here.
Meeting Approval
On January 16, 2020 the Acting Director of Defense Research and Engineering for Research and Technology approved the 74th DoD HFE TAG meeting.
For more information, contact us
73rd DoD HFE Technical Advisory Group
Location: Mallette Training Facility, 6575 Jayhawk Rd, Bldg 6008, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005
Theme: "Looking to the Future:
Charting the Road Ahead" The role and prominence of Human Factors in the Department of Defense and other US Government agencies continues to grow as future technology solutions will provide greater capability while requiring natural, intuitive interaction techniques. Balancing these two seemingly contradictory goals requires forethought and strategic planning in order to obtain the desired results. Enabling a system operator to perform complex tasks in demanding situations does not happen by accident. Designing for future technologies that do not yet exist, the operation and integration of which can't be fully realized for months, years or even decades to come, necessitates the use of roadmaps to chart the way forward. The focus of this DoD HFE TAG is to identify the challenges associated with planning for future technology solutions, inspire collaboration amongst agencies with similar challenges and goals, and to share lessons learned within and across related disciplines. Read More / downloadable pdf
Although abstracts relating to the theme are encouraged, non-theme abstracts that relate to the individual SubTAGs should also be submitted for consideration. Abstracts Form The HFE TAG 73 conference has been approved, and registration is open. Participants are invited to use the following registration link:
HFE TAG participants are welcome to attend the co-located National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Human Systems conference.
TAG 73 Program
If you do NOT otherwise have a means to get on the Army Aberdeen Proving Ground (such as a CAC or retired/reservist ID), and you have NOT received a Access Waiver Letter from us, LET US KNOW ASAP. HFE TAG 73 Arrival Instructions
For more information, contact us
TAG 72
TAG 71
TAG 70
NASA Langley Research Center
TAG 69
TAG 68
Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
DoD Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory