George F. Linsteadt Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer

The George F. Linsteadt Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer is named after Mr. George F. Linsteadt, a pioneer and champion of the Department of Defense Technology Transfer (DoD T2) program. Through this award, the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)) recognizes professionals who embody the vision and spirit of Mr. Linsteadt and his proactive legacy in the shaping of the DoD’s T2 community, and highlights initiatives that have had a significant impact on the DoD T2 program. These award recipients have performed extraordinary work to transfer technology developed in the defense laboratories in collaboration with partners in the public and private sectors.

Technology transfer is vital to the Department’s mission of developing new technologies and promoting technology commercialization as the U.S. military seeks to maintain its technological advantage. DoD T2 efforts also help ensure the Nation’s investment in innovative research is transferred from defense laboratories to the American people.

Current Awardee:

The Department of Defense has selected the National Security Agency’s (NSA’s) Technology Transfer Program (TTP) as the winner of the 2020 George F. Linsteadt Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer for for developing an innovative pipeline for technology transfer through open source software (OSS). This development not only advances ongoing NSA programs but also has potential commercial applications, including collaboration with small businesses, that support the Nation’s economic development.

Please visit here and here for more information about NSA’s technology transfer program and OSS releases.

For information on past winners:
2019 Award
2018 Award
2017 Award